Rate the avatar above yours.

Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
Hahaha. Where did you get that avatar? First time I see him giving the finger. 8/10

4chan, where else? oo

@up - i still dunno what to make of your avatar, Josh. Is that Jackie Chan? :lol: I'll give it a casual 6/10
It's from A Clockwork Orange, noobski!

4/10. The headcrab-with-cig was funnier.
Wooz said:
4/10. The headcrab-with-cig was funnier.

That may be, but the current one is more useful. For instance:

Wooz said:



Back on topic - you can't go wrong with skeletons! Tho it is a little crude. 7/10
TheFondler said:
What looks like Captain America, but is probably some lesser known comic book character!


It's the Punisher...

(Warning to those who don't read comics)

Captain America is dead, Punisher is taking his place for a bit to fight the Hatemonger (Racist Villain who's attempting to become Captain America)
Is that you in the pic, alec?

Either way, it's quite cool in a good disturbing way a la Lynch (although not *that* good). 8/10

"I am Locutus of Borg. Your life as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you shall service us"

missing the green highlights though, 7/10
Wha..t? 8/10 It somehow becomes a good avatar when you try to judge it.
Any avatar referring to the best game that was ever made automatically receives 10/10.

Arcanum pwns Fallout! :D
Yes, nothing quite like fighting lava monsters in a industrial revolution-style universe.

Which break your melee weapons. Which makes you trek to the surface, buy a fuckload of melee weapons, and do the three levels of dungeon AGAIN.

Not to mention the repetitive music and halfassed ending.


Wooz said:
Yes, nothing quite like fighting lava monsters in a industrial revolution-style universe.

Which break your melee weapons. Which makes you trek to the surface, buy a fuckload of melee weapons, and do the three levels of dungeon AGAIN.

Not to mention the repetitive music and halfassed ending.
So what? Fight Wanamingoos in the mines? Cure called shots to the eyes and the groin with StimPaks? Get electrified on the Enclave maze and having to do it three times over before you succeed?
Not to mention the lazy day/night cycle and the fact that npc's never go to bed?


Awww, what am I saying? I love Fallout...

10mmCurator: I like it. 8.3/10