Rate the avatar above yours.

Your should modify your avatar to fit this season.

5/10, because I'm not feeling generous this time of the year.
Zaron said:
Your should modify your avatar to fit this season.

I think we went through this last season. Carib might have it handy somewhere ;)

0/10. No rating, the santa cap blots most of the picture out.

Stag should go back to the SWAT stag avatar, BTW.
Oh ya like dogs eh?



strange looking Capitan America 6/10
She reminds me of someone. I can't quite place it. A chubby Kiera Knightly, perhaps?

At any rate, -infinity/10 for ever and ever because of your horny hound there. Yes, I know I'm not playing by the rules. But.... bleargh.
Why, if it isn't the FRIENDLY RESTAURANT OWNEEEEER! (an obscure reference to John Uskglass' past sig, I think).


Stag: Why, the one with the stag. Y'know. Male deer?