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Thus proving once and for all that smoking is cool and should be done no matter what...

My best friend was Joe Camel/10

oh and uh...

Ah-Teen said:
Oh ya like dogs eh?


2/10 for your squirrel's terrible taste in beers. I'd like to note that I do, however, fully support the idea of drunk and disorderly woodland animals.
10/10 for <strike>Zorak</strike> Cartoon Network.

I miss the Scandinavian version that aired soft-core pornography at night.
A picture from one of the Fallout games, that I am certain of, but which one I really can't place my finger on.

10/10, -2 if the picture turns out to be from FoT.
It's from the Fallout slideshow intro, from the segment where Ron Perlman utters the phrase "Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower".

However, the original photo is from a World War II archive I belive.

Also, diving mask 10, -2 for not knowing what every fan should know.

Fnal verdict: 8/10