Rate the avatar above yours.

I'll agree that Nexus6 av is lame, mostly since it's of such crappy quality and any 'joke' factor that could have been incorporated in the crappy quality isn't obvious. 2/10

However, I'd also say that Neamos avatar strikes me as gay, thus rendering it quite lame. 3/10. (Since I don't know where it's from, any potential comedy associated with the avs origin is lost on me, though.)
That's me, smugly grinning at all these bad scores I'm getting even though it's the best avatar.

No actually it's from here.

That hat fits Scrooge nicely, though it could be an S instead of M, but maybe I'm missing the joke so whatever. 8/10
i like the japanese dorito sex torture thing...but i feel it may be time to move on. it's like a good fuck buddy, you don't want to marry 'em...right?


+1 for the funny factor when you explained it was japanese.

(btw, fucking stag's new avatar is brilliance minus the shite quality, imo)
Scrooge is a total capitalist badass. +1... Could've been the emblem for fighting the soviets in a WW3 environment...+1 too bad it has that Mario cap, and we know where Mario came from -1 for that...
