Rate the avatar above yours.

I find pleasure in the surrealistic mirror effect caused by a certain achievement in my signature.

10/10 for artistic posting.
3/10 because i dont get it. mayhap you might want to refrain to avatars more widely known by the frequent connoisieurs of the intarweb. mine is stolen off sa... or fc. forgot.

ravagers av is from some quite good anime, iirc. that correct? story involved some nazi-ish soldiers wearing ww1 gas masks. and there were wolves, or something. damn. ive got the attention span of an american.
I'm not entirely sure what is going on in your avatar, but i will give it a benefit of the doubt of approximately ~7/10
horst said:
3/10 because i dont get it. mayhap you might want to refrain to avatars more widely known by the frequent connoisieurs of the intarweb. mine is stolen off sa... or fc. forgot.


Carib. As always, your avatar is awesome.
I don't know why, but I keep on flashing back to the time in biology class when our teacher told us about the size of the Komodo Dragon's penis for some reason.

Giant Lizard Dong/I had some messed up teachers.