Jun 4, 2008 #6,001 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite Xavierblazer said: Only because Tony Curtis turned 83 today. Click to expand... I have no idea who Tony Curtis is. (I do now, thanks to Google). You sir, are fail/10
Xavierblazer said: Only because Tony Curtis turned 83 today. Click to expand... I have no idea who Tony Curtis is. (I do now, thanks to Google). You sir, are fail/10
Jun 4, 2008 #6,002 conflictingideas First time out of the vault MAN, BONESTORM! 10/10, and the Neverhood one a few posts up gets an 11/10.
Jun 5, 2008 #6,003 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite Good ol'noosey. I'f I'm going to die it's probably going to be self-inflicted (or the result of exploding tigers)/10.
Good ol'noosey. I'f I'm going to die it's probably going to be self-inflicted (or the result of exploding tigers)/10.
Jun 5, 2008 #6,005 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite Space Amish? (scratches head as to how that would work)/10
Jun 5, 2008 #6,006 Golan2072 It Wandered In From the Wastes Homer Simpson, probably after a few beers and/or a bar-brawl, Doh! 10/10
Jun 5, 2008 #6,008 Madbringer What is it that crawls behind the glass? Orderite 8/10, +2 for being a despicable human being
Jun 5, 2008 #6,009 Tagaziel Panzerkatze Orderite This new one fits my slightly disturbed nature lately perfectly. I love. 10/10
Jun 6, 2008 #6,012 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite New cat scares me. Quit snarling at me/10.
Jun 6, 2008 #6,014 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite Good ol' Metalocalypse. Toki/Not a bumblebee.
Jun 6, 2008 #6,015 M momentarylogic First time out of the vault I love that it is probably the look that Homer will have right before he turns into a zombie. 7.5/10
Jun 6, 2008 #6,016 Tagaziel Panzerkatze Orderite A moustached guy in a pink rhinoceros costume? Oh lord, so awesome. 10/10
Jun 6, 2008 #6,017 Z Zaron Vault Fossil Orderite 10/10 for being a well-polished, ehm... Polish person.
Jun 6, 2008 #6,018 I I_eat_supermutants Vault Senior Citizen I dunno. 78/10 for not knowing what it is still.
Jun 6, 2008 #6,019 X Xavierblazer Vault Senior Citizen That background looks like he might be a Talking Head on Fallout 6/10 for the dumb hair.
Jun 6, 2008 #6,020 R Ravager69 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! uh....it;s fallout, but weird....7\10