Rate the avatar above yours.

hehe, I like your new avatar much more than the previous one. Consider you got a 10/10.
I like your new avatar much less than the previous one. Consider you got a 1/10 for generic-guy-looking-sideways-avatar.

Hmmm Kinda busy but each item in the pic is really decently done. The subject of the pic seems to be Elvis though and I'm not a fan. You get a 6/10.
Previous one was better, IMO, but what do I know.
It's got Mikael Grizzly written all over it, it's got fur in it, and it bites.


I love ... black, I love .... blue, I love ...fish, I love ....tree

(Vague "The Anchorman" reference ....)

How 'bout we trade? Yours is awesome, and mine's from an aborted revision to an incredibly obscure webcomic that I'm not sure ever actually happened in the first place.
Yamu, there's no need to trade. Your av looks nice. Your av is in fact so nice that I am willing to give it a well-deserved 8.7/10. That's not too shabby now, is it?
7/10, looks cool enough.

People shouldn't change their avatar. Ever. I never remember nicknames so it always gets me confused. Especially with people who don't post that much.

That said, I thought it was about time for changing my avatar. Discuss.