Rate the avatar above yours.

Not the best avatar representing Dogmeat (if it's what you had in mind) : 5/10.

P.S :

you'd rather choose this one =>

9.5 just because it's dynamite!

The dog is actually the dog from the Movie stalker, during the scene in which the stalker is laying face down in the water.
You know, I can get the "I EAT SUPERMUTANTS" vibe...


On a side-note, I need to get an avatar that's the epitome of gayness, and then start replying to TVD. That'd be interesting.
5/10. (5 because your avs always look like you and I like you.)

Mikael Grizzly said:
On a side-note, I need to get an avatar that's the epitome of gayness

I suggest this one:

Ashley J. Williams from Evil Dead is always great, especially when he is covered in blood and slightly insane. 12/10

Cartoony drunkedness is fun, and the bubbles over his head confirm he is in a shit state.