Aug 11, 2008 #6,421 R Ravager69 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! And then I was like "WHOA!!" And then you were like "WHOA!!" 9\10
Aug 11, 2008 #6,422 I I_eat_supermutants Vault Senior Citizen Add stick figure secks, and a stick fire truck you get the ultimate action movie. 7/10
Aug 12, 2008 #6,423 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite That's a stick lie and you know it. 9 screaming anorexics/10
Aug 12, 2008 #6,426 S Stg Granite Look, Ma! Two Heads! hm, I do not get the reference (if there's any). 5/10, just because I like his expression. BUT, your sing deserves a 11/10!
hm, I do not get the reference (if there's any). 5/10, just because I like his expression. BUT, your sing deserves a 11/10!
Aug 12, 2008 #6,427 P Pablosdog Where'd That 6th Toe Come From? 6.5/10 predictable, but well meaning.
Aug 12, 2008 #6,428 McRae For sale: clown shoes, never worn Orderite Not the best avatar representing Dogmeat (if it's what you had in mind) : 5/10. P.S : you'd rather choose this one =>
Not the best avatar representing Dogmeat (if it's what you had in mind) : 5/10. P.S : you'd rather choose this one =>
Aug 12, 2008 #6,429 P Pablosdog Where'd That 6th Toe Come From? 9.5 just because it's dynamite! The dog is actually the dog from the Movie stalker, during the scene in which the stalker is laying face down in the water.
9.5 just because it's dynamite! The dog is actually the dog from the Movie stalker, during the scene in which the stalker is laying face down in the water.
Aug 13, 2008 #6,430 Ah-Teen Vault Senior Citizen Orderite Kinda artsy I like 9/10 Still would be better with dog meat.
Aug 13, 2008 #6,432 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite Hooray for DC's poor choice of artists/10.
Aug 13, 2008 #6,433 I I_eat_supermutants Vault Senior Citizen generalissimofurioso said: 9 screaming anorexics/10 Click to expand... And you get extra points for guessing it's Nicole Richie. 6/10
generalissimofurioso said: 9 screaming anorexics/10 Click to expand... And you get extra points for guessing it's Nicole Richie. 6/10
Aug 13, 2008 #6,434 Tagaziel Panzerkatze Orderite You know, I can get the "I EAT SUPERMUTANTS" vibe... 1500kcal/1500kcal On a side-note, I need to get an avatar that's the epitome of gayness, and then start replying to TVD. That'd be interesting.
You know, I can get the "I EAT SUPERMUTANTS" vibe... 1500kcal/1500kcal On a side-note, I need to get an avatar that's the epitome of gayness, and then start replying to TVD. That'd be interesting.
Aug 13, 2008 #6,435 Buxbaum666 Heterostructured Nanorod oTO Orderite 5/10. (5 because your avs always look like you and I like you.) Mikael Grizzly said: On a side-note, I need to get an avatar that's the epitome of gayness Click to expand... I suggest this one:
5/10. (5 because your avs always look like you and I like you.) Mikael Grizzly said: On a side-note, I need to get an avatar that's the epitome of gayness Click to expand... I suggest this one:
Aug 13, 2008 #6,436 Zacirus Wasteland Lurker Ashley J. Williams from Evil Dead is always great, especially when he is covered in blood and slightly insane. 12/10
Ashley J. Williams from Evil Dead is always great, especially when he is covered in blood and slightly insane. 12/10
Aug 13, 2008 #6,439 T TwinkieGorilla This ghoul has seen it all too many confusing things here, starting with the arms. -100 years of evolution/10
Aug 13, 2008 #6,440 Daimyo Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! Orderite 9/10 Cartoony drunkedness is fun, and the bubbles over his head confirm he is in a shit state.