Let's see... there's the Jesus fish, mmyup, belly up under an empty sky, lying amidst the roots of yggdrasil, the world tree. The stream, flowing into the distance... is it the tide of history, or of public opinion? Perhaps it isn't flowing into the distance at all, but towards us. Maybe it isn't flowing at all. Maybe it's not a stream, but a crack, and what if the empty sky is actually the sea? Turn the picture upside down, and it is the Jesus fish that is returning to the infinite embrace of the sea after a brief jump into the air of a far less viable habitat, as lightning crashes down from the broken sky. I believe the symbolism is obvious, and the moreso poignant considering that when contemplated from that angle, upside-down, we the viewer are in fact the one that is belly-up.
7/10 for the avatar, +1 for giving me an opportunity to actually use some of that critical deconstructivist crap they piled on me back in high school, +1 for the irony of an atheist unwittingly toting around a tacit statement of earthly damnation.