Oct 27, 2008 #7,421 S Sicblades Antediluvian as Feck Board Cop oTO Orderite 8/10! Pyro just wants more ratings for his various avatars.
Oct 27, 2008 #7,427 K Kuj2 Still Mildly Glowing She looks weird, otherwise not bad. 7/10. Fo' da glory o' da Buildah.
Oct 27, 2008 #7,428 J Josein First time out of the vault funny and 2d. 9/10. I liked your old sig, the one with the anim.
Oct 27, 2008 #7,430 Pope Viper This ghoul has seen it all Orderite I'll be kind. 9/10, since you have some infathomable interest in her.
Oct 27, 2008 #7,431 A akimi First time out of the vault 5/10 - I don't get it ? But since you got a nice Fallout-touch to it you still get points
Oct 27, 2008 #7,432 S Sicblades Antediluvian as Feck Board Cop oTO Orderite 6/10, looks like a nice protein meal
Oct 27, 2008 #7,433 Pope Viper This ghoul has seen it all Orderite 0/10 I hate her, and she deserves to die. @akimi - I was given the "Battle Pope" appelation in our recent Order Battles, and dear alec was kind enough to make a new av for me.
0/10 I hate her, and she deserves to die. @akimi - I was given the "Battle Pope" appelation in our recent Order Battles, and dear alec was kind enough to make a new av for me.
Oct 27, 2008 #7,434 K Kuj2 Still Mildly Glowing 'Tis sweet for sure. 9/10. I'm waiting for alec to post here so I can ask him whether that gal's from the newest Indiana Jones movie which I didn't like but she... had balls, I'd say.
'Tis sweet for sure. 9/10. I'm waiting for alec to post here so I can ask him whether that gal's from the newest Indiana Jones movie which I didn't like but she... had balls, I'd say.
Oct 28, 2008 #7,438 C Confalone Still Mildly Glowing Why thank you, 8 commandments out of 10 for you sir, if I'm getting the avatar at all, that is.