Rate the avatar above yours.

7. Good movie.

edit: Page 60!
Silencer said:
Mikey, how do you like this one? Feel free to borrow it, y'all, I'll be reverting soon.

If you're female, have my children.

I won't take it yet, but I will save it so thats I can take it when you change. :)

Morpoggel, that avvy am teh kewlest. 9.9
8, because despite the fact that the BOS symbol is awesome, brass color is out. Titanium is the most chic material.
Mikey said:
If you're female, have my children.

Can I have them anyway? Meat's become kind of expensive since we joined the Union...

Mikey said:
I won't take it yet, but I will save it so thats I can take it when you change. :)

Be my guest, then.

Ratty? What the hell is that supposed to be? Mildly entertaining, but it's not rattish.

Silencer said:
Ratty? What the hell is that supposed to be? Mildly entertaining, but it's not rattish.
You do know that I am really a human being?

6. Where's calculon's animation?
Ratty said:
You do know that I am really a human being?

What? Did I just hear you squeak out something totally insane?

Ratty said:
6. Where's calculon's animation?

In hell. Calculon's animated avatars have been banzored.

OK, so you get a 3,8f after much consideration. I'd give you more, but it's anime, I think...
Lord, your avvy just doesn't do it for me. As I've said before. I'll give it a 3. And prepare to get the soap knocked out of my hand.

Silencer, did you make teh leet av, or was it floating around on t'internet?
Mikey said:
Silencer, did you make teh leet av, or was it floating around on t'internet?

I assembled it out of two images, SCREAM.JPG and TOXIC.JPG made by Polish computer graphic artists (you may do an image search, or maybe I'll post them one day...), resized it and applied some filtering recently.

Yours I made based off LoneEagle's av. Of course, it's an absolute masterpiece and gets a ... 6.5f :)
I like your av, Silencer. 8.

But I hate the Młodzież Wszechpolska-style thing you just did. Make it go away.

So, do you join our fight against the Unity... er, Union, or do you die here?

Join! Die! Join! Beat you with a bat!

Also, I won't rate yours until I know what is it from.
Probably from "Your mother's innermost fantasies".

It's my face, you dolt.

Also, now I have a reason more to kill the master.
Wooz said:
Probably from "Your mother's innermost fantasies".

More like "Wooz Craven's New Nightmare".

Also, if it's your face in the avatar then it sucks. Faces in avatars suck even if they're pretty, which if far to be said about yours. Take Ozrat for example, he used to boast his mug in the avatar, but has since reformed. The Avatar is not the right place for your face, the mirror is.

(Yeah, I thought of a good place for your face, but I won't write it down here since minors might read this thread ;))

Still, you've got "Hatred" written underneath so I guess it fits. 5.
Aw, that's gotta be the cutest avatar I've ever seen! It's as cute as Sovz's hamster, if not moreso.

9.5, but only because it's slightly blurry.

EDIT: I was referring to MOTK's avatar, of course. Morpsomething's avatar is awesome too, though.
Thanx. It's a Poggel. It's a small rodent that eats nuts, collected by the Silverspiders. When the Poggel's eat enough nuts and are fat enough the Silverspiders eat them. They are like cattle... except they don't exist yet. It was on a show on Discovery called "The Future Is Wild".
Mor is elvish for dark, and caus being an overall goodie is boring, I decided to be an evil Poggel... dark Poggel, whatever.

Anyhoo, the ava's nice but not really Khany... 6