Rate the avatar above yours.

Super dooper. 9/10 (Could have a background which could be used well... but that might not work quite as nicely.)
It's so hard to find a nice Polish flag for a background... How about this one guys? Not too giertychian, Wooz?

'Done' is to big of a word, I just pasted yours on a nice, dragoon background. You can have it if you want to.
The same goes for my av ;)

Err, with the pasting, not the borrowing :evil: ;)
LoneEagle said:
It could have been an interesting av, but the radioactive sign is quite... handmade...

It is a display of my lack of photoshop skills. :P

Loving the new version of yours. Its great. 9/10
Your avatar reminds me of the look on my face when I read the 'Today in Romania' thread.... 10.

But real power armour should be red, and have a mysterious black view screen in order to look mysterious :wink:
8 1/2
It's just so... green... +1 point for the gigantic injection needle thingy on the right.

If anyone guesses where my av is from, i'll post the whole thing and DESTROY YOUR BRAIN.