Rate the avatar above yours.

To Pipboy2000: 9. It's fallout and I really don't see anything against it.

To Ashmo: 3. It's three letters and a radiation symbol. Not very interesting if you ask me. To me, you'll always be the "I like bukkake" guy. :wink:
yes magatron and ur teh avatar iz teh beztezt thing in ur hole pozt its teh awsome LOL u misspelled pheeling.

Now, would you be as kind so as to STFU :D

EDIT: Marek: I can't give more than 6 on account on unfalloutiness, but Stewie's cool.

+1 for his appearance in the PA New Year episode ;)

EDIT 2: Damn, what a sucky 3500th post... I've got to improve.
Brrr, syringe + gasmask + strange, unidentifiable green thing in the background? Sends shivers down my spine...

8/10 (-2 because it's kind of unreadable at first and it scares me :) )

BTW, great sig Silenced one. I agree that the Vats are a great stop for newbies.
Grizzly gets a 6.

The drawing's pretty original, but the quality of it is somewhat lacking.
Jebus: You look very, very pale on that photo.

Hence, post-apocalyptic pitifulness is conserved! Long live Jebus' av!

5/10 and congrats on your return to GD ;)
No idea. Rosh has been doing some cleaning up with bans recently, so he must have unbanned you. That's my guess.