May 14, 2005 #1,261 L LoneEagle First time out of the vault And you earn 9 + 3/4... Really cool and smooth avatar you've got there, Silencer.
May 16, 2005 #1,262 Ashmo Half-way Through My Half-life Orderite 10/10 because it's got a PA and a flag in it. w00t.
May 16, 2005 #1,263 P Pipboy2000 Companion to the Last Proton Orderite Silencer said: It's a Vault Boy. How original. 9/10 Click to expand... But I altered it, he's now holding his glock and crowbar. 8.5 .... cool.
Silencer said: It's a Vault Boy. How original. 9/10 Click to expand... But I altered it, he's now holding his glock and crowbar. 8.5 .... cool.
May 16, 2005 #1,264 C calculon000 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! To Pipboy2000: 9. It's fallout and I really don't see anything against it. To Ashmo: 3. It's three letters and a radiation symbol. Not very interesting if you ask me. To me, you'll always be the "I like bukkake" guy.
To Pipboy2000: 9. It's fallout and I really don't see anything against it. To Ashmo: 3. It's three letters and a radiation symbol. Not very interesting if you ask me. To me, you'll always be the "I like bukkake" guy.
May 16, 2005 #1,267 M Marek Mildly Dipped 9. Pretty awesome. The car-driving one was even better, who had that again?
May 16, 2005 #1,268 Silencer Night Watchman Staff member Admin yes magatron and ur teh avatar iz teh beztezt thing in ur hole pozt its teh awsome LOL u misspelled pheeling. Now, would you be as kind so as to STFU EDIT: Marek: I can't give more than 6 on account on unfalloutiness, but Stewie's cool. +1 for his appearance in the PA New Year episode EDIT 2: Damn, what a sucky 3500th post... I've got to improve.
yes magatron and ur teh avatar iz teh beztezt thing in ur hole pozt its teh awsome LOL u misspelled pheeling. Now, would you be as kind so as to STFU EDIT: Marek: I can't give more than 6 on account on unfalloutiness, but Stewie's cool. +1 for his appearance in the PA New Year episode EDIT 2: Damn, what a sucky 3500th post... I've got to improve.
May 16, 2005 #1,269 Tagaziel Panzerkatze Orderite Brrr, syringe + gasmask + strange, unidentifiable green thing in the background? Sends shivers down my spine... 8/10 (-2 because it's kind of unreadable at first and it scares me ) BTW, great sig Silenced one. I agree that the Vats are a great stop for newbies.
Brrr, syringe + gasmask + strange, unidentifiable green thing in the background? Sends shivers down my spine... 8/10 (-2 because it's kind of unreadable at first and it scares me ) BTW, great sig Silenced one. I agree that the Vats are a great stop for newbies.
May 16, 2005 #1,270 Jebus Background Radiant Orderite Grizzly gets a 6. The drawing's pretty original, but the quality of it is somewhat lacking.
May 16, 2005 #1,271 Silencer Night Watchman Staff member Admin Jebus: You look very, very pale on that photo. Hence, post-apocalyptic pitifulness is conserved! Long live Jebus' av! 5/10 and congrats on your return to GD
Jebus: You look very, very pale on that photo. Hence, post-apocalyptic pitifulness is conserved! Long live Jebus' av! 5/10 and congrats on your return to GD
May 16, 2005 #1,272 Jebus Background Radiant Orderite Silencer said: 10/10 and congrats on your return to GD Click to expand... Someone could've at least told me, tho'... How long have I been unbanned now?
Silencer said: 10/10 and congrats on your return to GD Click to expand... Someone could've at least told me, tho'... How long have I been unbanned now?
May 16, 2005 #1,273 Silencer Night Watchman Staff member Admin No idea. Rosh has been doing some cleaning up with bans recently, so he must have unbanned you. That's my guess.
No idea. Rosh has been doing some cleaning up with bans recently, so he must have unbanned you. That's my guess.
May 16, 2005 #1,274 Jebus Background Radiant Orderite What? It was Rosh that unbanned me? Then what am I paying you for?
May 17, 2005 #1,276 Wooz Vault Sweeper Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite 8 That's one mean, lean, Oi bear. Oi Oi Oi!
May 17, 2005 #1,277 K Kormy First time out of the vault killap said: 6/10 sounds like a good score. Click to expand... 7/10 Where is that taken?
May 17, 2005 #1,278 Jebus Background Radiant Orderite Kormy gets a 6. Is that a lepracon or Santa Claus?
May 17, 2005 #1,279 welsh Junkmaster Jebus- glad to see you back. But that avatar sucks ass. Really, change it bud.
May 17, 2005 #1,280 Wooz Vault Sweeper Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite Kormy said: Where is that taken? Click to expand... Sandville Woods, Poland. Welsh gets a 9. Gotta love the Pubic Black Forest.
Kormy said: Where is that taken? Click to expand... Sandville Woods, Poland. Welsh gets a 9. Gotta love the Pubic Black Forest.