Rate the avatar above yours.

Been covered a million times before but the addition of the word "Brahmin" some how breathes new and funny life into the old trefoil.
Hey, I found Silencer's evil twin brother. Yup, its the mad scientist from Bio forge, but instead of a big needle off green stuff he has a big spinning saw thing, lucky he has that nice face sheild to stop the blood splater (he gets splatered in the in game clip)

Yay, I kinda looked liked Tin Tin when I was younger so you get a pretty 9/10. +0,5 for the devious smile and the fact that the bone that the dog has is obviously human.
TVD said:
Your avatar Alec reminds me of an old cartoon that was on when I was a child...dont remember its name though...

:: Prays that TVD is using the NMA built in sarcasm button ::

6/10 because I have no idea what it is other than some weirdo in black and white.

Qwerty gets a 10/10 for basing his avvie on Crusader.
8/10 because it has a radiation symbol in it...


Total Recall...Total Action.

Although the little freak in that guys chest always grossed me out. Not to mention the midget hooker.
It's a Vault Boy. How original.

But, it's uh, sweet, and also it's mean facial expression reflects what a pain in the ass you are :D
