Jan 10, 2012 #12,941 Yamu Le Fromage Vieux oTO Moderator Board Cop oTO Orderite Nostalgia and truth in advertising earn you a 6.5 out of 10.
Jan 10, 2012 #12,942 M Moe Canibo It Wandered In From the Wastes I wanna bite into little guy's sweet sugar coated head. It reminds me of a certain lemon cake i love. 10/10
I wanna bite into little guy's sweet sugar coated head. It reminds me of a certain lemon cake i love. 10/10
Jan 10, 2012 #12,943 .Pixote. Antediluvian as Feck Modder Firm and delicious - the peach I'm eating...as for the image 6/10
Jan 10, 2012 #12,948 M Moe Canibo It Wandered In From the Wastes 8/10 Would be 9 if the cropping was better.
Jan 10, 2012 #12,949 mobucks Fmr. President of racism. Orderite 9/10 if thats some sort of sword. 4/10 if just a WWF hick with a table leg.[/quote]
Jan 11, 2012 #12,951 Richwizard Carbon Dated and Proud Orderite Awesome artwork 10/10, is that from Ghost Rider or something more classical/gothic?
Jan 13, 2012 #12,954 Sub-Human - Looks familiar, so I'm guessing it's from a movie. So yeah, 9/10 because it's from a movie and cause it's a cool number too.
Looks familiar, so I'm guessing it's from a movie. So yeah, 9/10 because it's from a movie and cause it's a cool number too.
Jan 13, 2012 #12,956 O Ohaimerk Venerable Relic of the Wastes Orderite 3/10 because I still don't know what it is
Jan 14, 2012 #12,958 S Sabirah Water Chip? Been There, Done That lol, It's my brother after the bombs. 8/10