May 23, 2005 #1,322 M Mandelbrot First time out of the vault To me your's really looks like a crazed Steve Martin holding a Hyperdermic needle over a guy from the enclave.......If so 10/10
To me your's really looks like a crazed Steve Martin holding a Hyperdermic needle over a guy from the enclave.......If so 10/10
May 24, 2005 #1,323 H Hovercar Madness Still Mildly Glowing 6/10 + I like the sideburns - You should have cropped it atleast
May 24, 2005 #1,324 M Marek Mildly Dipped 8. Interesting, innovative, powerful, striking, sublime. Also, garlic bread is divine.
May 24, 2005 #1,328 F Fas Ist It Wandered In From the Wastes It is a wolf! It is a little childish,but remmembers me of the film "A boy and his dog"-I don't know why :arrow: 6/10 You obviously like dogs.
It is a wolf! It is a little childish,but remmembers me of the film "A boy and his dog"-I don't know why :arrow: 6/10 You obviously like dogs.
May 24, 2005 #1,329 B Brahmin Still Mildly Glowing Cool image, nicely done. 8/10 Was ist? ? ? said: Photoshop? Click to expand... Show my lack of skills doesn't it.. I can't draw straight lines at the right angles
Cool image, nicely done. 8/10 Was ist? ? ? said: Photoshop? Click to expand... Show my lack of skills doesn't it.. I can't draw straight lines at the right angles
May 24, 2005 #1,330 Tagaziel Panzerkatze Orderite 7/10 A bit psychedelic. BTW - you registered just after my birthday! (18 IV)
May 24, 2005 #1,331 M Marek Mildly Dipped 6. Evil wolves. Above average. Looked cooler with one wolf only though.
May 24, 2005 #1,332 H Hovercar Madness Still Mildly Glowing 9/10 Can't stop looking at those eyes, almost looks like they're painted on.
May 25, 2005 #1,333 L Lord 342 Water Chip? Been There, Done That 8.5 Simple design, but just so much of a non sequitur that it's very, very funny! It doesn't go with anything but I love garlic bread. Especially with cheese.
8.5 Simple design, but just so much of a non sequitur that it's very, very funny! It doesn't go with anything but I love garlic bread. Especially with cheese.
May 25, 2005 #1,334 F Fas Ist It Wandered In From the Wastes One of my favorite here :!: I quite like it 12/10
May 25, 2005 #1,335 J JoeMataius It Wandered In From the Wastes 5/10 It is nice but it does not speak to my inner child.
May 25, 2005 #1,336 Silencer Night Watchman Staff member Admin Uh what's this? A post by my cousin Joefarb! Hah-hah-hah. Instead of mantis he writes "Mataius". Now that's humorous! Today's comedians could learn from this post. 10/10
Uh what's this? A post by my cousin Joefarb! Hah-hah-hah. Instead of mantis he writes "Mataius". Now that's humorous! Today's comedians could learn from this post. 10/10
May 25, 2005 #1,337 M Mikey Half-way Through My Half-life Orderite You get a 7. Oh, BTW, the next person to post in this thread will make the 1337th post. w00t.
May 25, 2005 #1,339 Silencer Night Watchman Staff member Admin Jebus said: That just had to be me. 6/10 Click to expand... Not again A half-human, half-brahmin, vewy fallouty! 11/10!!!!1!!!O1!NE!1!
Jebus said: That just had to be me. 6/10 Click to expand... Not again A half-human, half-brahmin, vewy fallouty! 11/10!!!!1!!!O1!NE!1!