Sep 25, 2012 #13,501 Atomkilla Hazel Hegemon oTO Orderite "Skull under the hood" generally annoy me, but this one is okay. 7/10
Oct 2, 2012 #13,507 A alec White heterosexual male Orderite Meh. Not bad, but not really my kind of thing. 7.1/10
Oct 3, 2012 #13,508 T TorontoReign Guest 7.1 Looks like a miserable lonely person. That makes me sad.
Oct 3, 2012 #13,510 T TorontoReign Guest 0/10 Change it. Needs a simian of some kind. Walpknut: You suck.
Oct 3, 2012 #13,512 O Ohaimerk Venerable Relic of the Wastes Orderite 6/10 because i have no idea what's going on
Oct 3, 2012 #13,513 Richwizard Carbon Dated and Proud Orderite ?/10 What the hell is that? EDIT: Nevermind, classic av is back.
Oct 6, 2012 #13,514 Yamu Le Fromage Vieux oTO Moderator Board Cop oTO Orderite Jingle Jangle/Jingle (It'd be totally un-cowboy and un-ratpack of you to expect numbers out of me.)
Oct 6, 2012 #13,515 Courier Venerable Relic of the Wastes Orderite 10/10 Stinky cheese man will never get old.
Oct 8, 2012 #13,517 J John Merrik First time out of the vault 8/10 Reminds me too much of my home life to be a 10. =)
Oct 10, 2012 #13,520 Courier Venerable Relic of the Wastes Orderite 10/10 anime confirmed for slowly taking over the site.