Rate the avatar above yours.

Alec's avatars and drawings have always been the shit. His last one was cool as fuck. I wish he'd take the time to draw me a book cover for my novel.

Anyway, for the one above me: I don't know what that is, but 8/10.
I like how it's Satan in the crescent moon, and also Satan in the spotlight holding the void. It's also bland.

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That was an awesome movie with an incredible and diverse cast.

9/10 Looks like a fan-made pen & ink illustration; but I think it's digital using a pen & tablet.

Here is a curious gem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2Rn27Dqj1k

Edit: (So as not to repeatedly post and double rate the next post)
Of your new avatar: That's a neat artist I'd not seen before; Beksiński.

The flag I animated in Blender.
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A swag Harry the Super Mutant? With pink font? Daaaaaaamn... that's a 9.21 right there (the font could be a bit darker, one can hardly see the '2').
GORE BAG! 'Nuff said. 8/10.

(The resolution makes my eyes hurt, but the image itself makes my heart sing and dance. Like Gene Kelley in "Singin' In The Rain," only with viscera instead of water.)
6/10 a photograph of some punk legend dude, but not a very interesting photo.

Edit: New Seasonal Avatar, woo!
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I assume this is your work 'cause I see your signature nose. Looks awesome of course. The only thing I'd criticize is the position of the eyes. It's too high when you look at the mouth and you compare with your previous avatar. His eyes should be where the cheeks of the mask are, more or less, that's how it feels to me anyway.

9/10 Based on pure charm (especially of that flawless confused expression) alone.

EDIT: I noticed a problem with the stretch in the orb just now. It seems to have a sort of depression on the upper left a mildly severe. It's kind of distracting now that I've seen it, actually.
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Ahhh, Kaoru, where would the world be without your warm, selfless, utterly confusing hoyay?
(Aside from still intact, perhaps, but we'll leave that question for the first psychiatrist to re-congeal from the primordial ooze.)

7/10. Would be higher if I wasn't so busy trying to deal with all these strange, conflicted feeling in my pantsal region you suddenly seem to have reminded me of.