Rate the avatar above yours.

DJ Slamák said:
Really though, if it's the same building I have in mind, there's a special entrance for them. I guess they just don't want them to get stuck in the rotating door or something.
Ehehe, alright, but still. The building that was shot was in Prague 1 I think. There also was an OZP building almost right next to my school in Prague 4, but that didn't have a sign like that.

Dragonetti get's a 1.
1/10, for being terrible.

I'll let you use this one, which surely would boost your rating to 10.


EDIT: That one was supposed to be Dragonetti's, your's is hawt Luke (8/10)
The guy is reading a newspaper. It was something old used until the first part of the XXI century to know what's going on. Too sad he didn't read it before teh attack.

He looks like that guy from the atomic war bride.


I would give 9.73
I hereby revise my previous and humble minus degree on Dragonettis avatar to a simple: HATE! KILL! on an ungraded scale.

Hovercar, your last av was way better. You get like, a 1.
Yay! The death of the politically correct world! All hail Luke as our liberator! Freedom/10. Or 10/10. Whichever sounds better to you, you kinky bondage slaves you.
Go to hell and die because you suck as a person / 3,1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164

Rly though, that's just not funny.
4/10 becuase the color is bad.... especially the white around the hands...

Also, someone else said you cant wield two weapons at once, which is true, so you get docked for that