Rate the avatar above yours.

7.7 Pretty stupid until you read the caption, which I never did until I had to rate it. Then it becomes hilarious.
7/10 for being Fallout related
-1 for being not original at all
gives you a grand total of 6/10
well done, well done indeed! :clap:
7/10 for being funny, and its misspelt, just like many of microsofts errors! +1 8/10

It also reminds me of this message I got the other day...

Brahmin said:
It also reminds me of this message I got the other day...

It's your own fault for running Yahoo! messenger and/or Unreal. You can't blame your computer for it's equivalent of "WTF?" (or having better taste than you). ;)

Uh, avatar, 5/10. Nice image, spoiled by the cropping and the caption.
New av, cropped from a picture my brother took in Prague. Here's a full view (it was cropped from a close-up, duh):

What's OZP anyway, Slamák?
OZP is Oborová zdravotní pojišťovna. It's a health insurance company, incidentally the one I'm insured at.

And you get a big throbbing 5/10 for the rather high meh factor, coupled with the fact that you could have easily found out what it is by visiting that URL (warning, gay website).

(You should have picked the pram.)
DJ Slamák said:
OZP is Oborová zdravotní pojišťovna. It's a health insurance company, incidentally the one I'm insured at.
Ehehe, awesome.

DJ Slamák said:
And you get a big throbbing 5/10 for the rather high meh factor, coupled with the fact that you could have easily found out what it is by visiting that URL (warning, gay website).
But then I would have had to known about it in advance, and navigate through all those weird words and characters. I think it's funny, since if a building had a sign like that in Sweden it would hit front page news and go to court for disrespecting the integrity of the crippled, I am sure.
I thought it was a sign saying that people who have a tube running from their ankle to their back should keep a firm hold on the railing when ascending a staircase.
Luke said:
I think it's funny, since if a building had a sign like that in Sweden it would hit front page news and go to court for disrespecting the integrity of the crippled, I am sure.
A health insurance company building, no less.

Really though, if it's the same building I have in mind, there's a special entrance for them. I guess they just don't want them to get stuck in the rotating door or something.

Skynet gets 6/10 for being dark but mediocre.