Water Chip? Been There, Done That

9/10. You've found a witty comment, changed the font and background, and yet it still appeals to me!
It's your own fault for running Yahoo! messenger and/or Unreal. You can't blame your computer for it's equivalent of "WTF?" (or having better taste than you).Brahmin said:
Ehehe, awesome.DJ Slamák said:OZP is Oborová zdravotní pojišťovna. It's a health insurance company, incidentally the one I'm insured at.
But then I would have had to known about it in advance, and navigate through all those weird words and characters. I think it's funny, since if a building had a sign like that in Sweden it would hit front page news and go to court for disrespecting the integrity of the crippled, I am sure.DJ Slamák said:And you get a big throbbing 5/10 for the rather high meh factor, coupled with the fact that you could have easily found out what it is by visiting that URL (warning, gay website).
A health insurance company building, no less.Luke said:I think it's funny, since if a building had a sign like that in Sweden it would hit front page news and go to court for disrespecting the integrity of the crippled, I am sure.