Rate the avatar above yours.

The heck is that, HM?

He's either answering that question, or he sees a turnip in the ground. In which case he's probably not a turnip himself.... Or is he??!

Never mind.

Methid gets a ZERO! No wait, it's actually not that bad, 7/10.
Meh. You get an A for effort, but that's about it. Because I'm feeling generous, I'll help you out. What you should have done was take one of the images, stick a humorous caption under it, and use it in your sig. Observe:

(note how I didn't have time to think of something humorous and instead just used what I usually write at the top of my resume)

Xavierblazer said:
Im making another "Lemony fresh" one, but its going to involve Marcus.

For this occasion I have reserved the constipation emoticon.


There. No good can come from replacing Johnny Depp with Marcus, y'hear?

:x /10
7.5/10 Neat, but I have no idea what it's from. Looks cool whatever it is though. Make it an 8.5 once I know what it is!!!

Silencer cloned himself? Or is it just some even-more-evil-than-green-gasmask-scientist-evil-twin-brotha?
Skynet said:

That comic actually lowered my IQ by 5 points. But i like the gif image :D

Skynet said:
Lord 342 gets 5/10.
Heathen, The U r-Quan demand respect!

Grizzly gets a medium 5/10 too though.
It ain't a grizzly... plus it looks like it's cut from some scary furry drawing :P

Goddamn word-filter. :lol: u r-quan is a word, i'm not going to go all "lol ppl be sure all got ur studff plz"
Suicide Candidate: Cooooool! I didn't know there was a Doom comic. Have you ever read the novels???

Hovercar Madness:
4/10. Ah, it does not live up to your previous avatars... The U.r-quan demand the return of a more worthy avatar.