Aug 28, 2005 #1,681 S Subhuman First time out of the vault Is that Freud? Alexander Graham Bell? Thomas Edison? It's too small to tell. Also a little boring. Sepia is so eight decades ago. 6/10
Is that Freud? Alexander Graham Bell? Thomas Edison? It's too small to tell. Also a little boring. Sepia is so eight decades ago. 6/10
Aug 28, 2005 #1,682 P Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! Meh, i now declare it to be 8/10 clercqer said: You should KNOW it is. 7/10: a bit unclear. Click to expand... Thats from converting a bmp to a jpeg.
Meh, i now declare it to be 8/10 clercqer said: You should KNOW it is. 7/10: a bit unclear. Click to expand... Thats from converting a bmp to a jpeg.
Aug 28, 2005 #1,683 Wooz Vault Sweeper Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite Use Photoshop. Its converting abilities are amazing. 6/10. The blue background / white drawing don't go very well together.
Use Photoshop. Its converting abilities are amazing. 6/10. The blue background / white drawing don't go very well together.
Aug 28, 2005 #1,684 D DirtyDreamDesigner Venerable Relic of the Wastes Moderator Hey! Wooz, welcome back! The pretty kitty gets 8/10. I realy like it. Did you make it?
Aug 29, 2005 #1,685 J Joachim It Wandered In From the Wastes I say the alien gets you a 6 and the switching what I think the original word ,kitty, with gecko adds 1 so 7/10 for you and I know mines really small but I have no concept of editing and changing these things
I say the alien gets you a 6 and the switching what I think the original word ,kitty, with gecko adds 1 so 7/10 for you and I know mines really small but I have no concept of editing and changing these things
Aug 29, 2005 #1,687 F frissy Mildly Dipped Reminds me of a candy wrapper we have here. "Halvan maukasta lakritsaa". 8/10 Because it?s simple and works. ________ ANEMIA FORUMS
Reminds me of a candy wrapper we have here. "Halvan maukasta lakritsaa". 8/10 Because it?s simple and works. ________ ANEMIA FORUMS
Aug 29, 2005 #1,690 Silencer Night Watchman Staff member Admin You should paste it on some original background to make it interesting. 5/10
Aug 29, 2005 #1,691 Ashmo Half-way Through My Half-life Orderite Because I already voted on Silencer, 4/10 for the guy with the tiny Horrigan head. It's way too tiny.
Because I already voted on Silencer, 4/10 for the guy with the tiny Horrigan head. It's way too tiny.
Aug 29, 2005 #1,692 E Elissar Venerable Relic of the Wastes Orderite 7/10 Could use less "scared" and more "threat" but meh. It works.
Aug 30, 2005 #1,696 Ashmo Half-way Through My Half-life Orderite Elissar gets a -10 because I know where he stole that av from.
Aug 30, 2005 #1,697 F ferdinand First time out of the vault Parts are indistinct, and it lacks that thing that makes you take a second look. 5. Not a bad try though. And even if Elissar stole his av, it's the second best one I've seen in this forum.
Parts are indistinct, and it lacks that thing that makes you take a second look. 5. Not a bad try though. And even if Elissar stole his av, it's the second best one I've seen in this forum.
Aug 30, 2005 #1,698 J Joachim It Wandered In From the Wastes Kinda reminds you of one of those really old cartoons that you always love no matter what. 8/10
Aug 30, 2005 #1,699 A alec White heterosexual male Orderite 7,5/10 It's Fallout Boy, so it's okay, but it's too small.