Rate the avatar above yours.

Not too original, and it would go better on another background like a paradise island or something. 5/10.
You made it bigger, huh. Now just get it to fit in the middle and you might get a +1. For now you get 2/10, because of the cool, crappy vidlink effect + 3 = 5/10.

Oh and Luke gets an easy 10/10 because:

You get zero because I don't like you.
Minus two hundred because you're a Follower of The Holy Piano Man.
Minus one hundred and ninety because The Holy Piano Man turned out to be a gay German.
Minus fifty because I'm in a bad mood.
You do the math. :twisted:
alec said:
You do the math. :twisted:

Calculator sez:

Firefox sez: Jebus has a direct link to a female pornstar in his toolbar. :mrgreen:
P.S. I know that if alec wasn't a flesh eating robot and had feelings he'd love me. He said so in bed last night.

Oh, and since I already rated both of you I'll just rate Subhumans av since it's teh seckse and gets a 9/10
Phil gets 8/10 because it's the FalloutBoy and has a nice drugged effect but a bad blur.

DDD gets 8/10 because it's funny, but didn't send me rolling on the ground (like a good old Australian bush fire would).

And because I feel like it, Luke gets a 10/10 'cause it's Python.

It looks like a close-up of the eye of some weird blue reptiloid tentacle monster having its way with a Japanese schoolgirl, penetrating her every orifice repeatedly and...

But I digress...
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
You made it bigger, huh. Now just get it to fit in the middle and you might get a +1. For now you get 2/10, because of the cool, crappy vidlink effect + 3 = 5/10.

err...It is supposed to not be centered..ffs
Actually that's a penguin.

So he gets a 0/10 due to the +10 penguin bonus (and the -10 av stealing penalty).