So let me get this straight...
CCR said:
Wooz was Born in France to Mexican-Polish parents. I'd say that is at the very least more interesting then debating Christanity with a Canadian athiest.
Oh really? First time I've ever noticed you have a full conversation with him without managing to use any slighty-offensive terminology against him and what he was saying. Maybe its just me, but that sure doesn't happen too often. Besides, you didn't even learn that about him until his very last post anyways. Did you see that coming in the future before you started your side-stream dialog with him?
So the fact that my sources are people with doctorates specifically in the study of religions is somehow invalidated by the fact that
I'm saying it too? Besides, I don't ever recall describing what
my religious and spiritual views are, and especially never as a "Canadian Athiest". I have always been spiritual in the fact everything around us, be it organic, alive, man-made, metallic or inorganic, has an energy/soul. After all, its only
logical since its proven by science, right? You can't fight the fact that EVERYTHING in the UNIVERSE has energy in it. If it didn't have a single bit of energy in it, it would be at Absolute Zero, which is physically impossible.
do recall once stating that if I were to ever take up a faithful practice in any denomination, it would be along the lines of Paganism and Wicca. Oh wait now, doesn't all that science explain Paganism as being a logical religion if EVERYTHING has an Energy/Spirit/Soul associated with it? Interesting... Discuss.
CCR said:
Nope. I just have respect for them, remember the 10 commandments? Weatlh is an added plus. There is of course doctrinal backing for me to give them the cold shoulder religiously, but again, I need to be taken seriously, and not as some New Age convert when I go to a Chruch I might have interest in attending frequently.
So now its your
age that is preventing you from fulfilling your
true religious belief? So it's wrong for teenagers to decide for themselves what they truely believe? After all, you seem to know what you really believe in yourself, but you just can't be allowed to have a religious viewpoint that opposes the one that your parents hold to be true despite the fact that we have something called
Freedom of Speech and its perfectly acceptable in God's eyes that you can be allowed to have differing political views under this same arbitrary age limit that you seem to have? Since we don't have a Spock troll here at NMA, I'll be the first to say that this is simply not logical under our "logically superior" modern Western morals and human rights in this "mainly Christian influenced" civilization of ours.
CCR said:
I am still a Christian, and I think I am just as Christain as any of these holy rollers.
Never said that you weren't, and please stop calling them "holy rollers". I'll get more into detail why you shouldn't later on.
CCR said:
Western cultural penetation stopping polygamy and instituting Democratic government in Turkey and southeast asia..........hell, considering that the morals you call "Western" are very deeply indebted to Christian morals, I am not sure how you can argue with me.
You mean the same basic morals that can be found in every humanistic culture and religion? After all, I thought this country itself was founded by a bunch of "athiests"?
CCR said:
Ozrat said:
Impossible? According to what? Crazy? Why?
Now you are just being a trolling bitch.
No, they're perfectly reasonable questions. You said something and I asked you to explain why. No need to start calling me a "bitch" for it. You were doing so well being "diplomatic" before, why go back to spoiling that now?
CCR said:
If I where to pray reverantly for half an hour, if I where to spend the rest of my life on Mt. Athos, that would be a life of devoution- I would not expect God to show himself outside of his actions. That is faith. Saying that I can talkt to God, or that God posseses me, that is insanity.
Again; why?
CCR said:
Well, you have failed remarkably to prove anything. I in the trinity and the importance of redepmtion, and the bible....thus they are Christian. Arguments over who is more Christian then others is moronic, and leads to shit like the Reformation or the Fourth Crusade.
Okay, so all
Christian denominations are equalitarian, correct?
CCR said:
Some Chruches might lead a more Christian life, but the fact remains that they still belive in Christanity.
Too bad that directly contradicts what you just said in your previous three sentences.
CCR said:
Who'd a thought I'd be the one with both popular approval and a few flame free posts in the midst of trolling?
I was hoping that it would be possible, but that chance was destroyed when you started calling me a "bitch". And you seem to be missing the point that everybody in this thread who has declared that I was trolling have also agreed that my first few posts were no different than what they have seen come from you on a regular basis. My last couple of posts, however, were not trolling and that was ironically when you finally deviated from your otherwise good behavior in your replies.
CCR said:
There are three main branches of Christanity, and they are certainly not Catholic or Orthodox, and they have little in common with any of the Gnostic, Monophysite, Mandean or syncretic religions, thus they are Protestant.
Like I said before, I'm in no way familiar with this terminology and therefore cannot really do anything besides cite my texts, which are academically correct and do not mention these branches that you are talking about. But then again, you haven't fully explained this to contradict what I'm saying at all yet.
CCR said:
You did not even mention anything specific or meaningful in your first post.
See how it can be annoying then?
CCR said:
I think I can talk to God. I don't expect him to talk back. Maybe show himself thru actions, but that is about it.
Oh, so God is fully capable of, say, ignighting a bush to give a signal to a prophet and parting the Red Sea long enough to allow an entire clan of runaway slaves to safely pass through, right? Last I checked with the world of science, that require the ability to fuck around with the very thermal and mechanical properties of all matter. But He is still somehow incapable of voicing things? Even though it would be much much more effective to communicate in ways that cannot be misinterpreted? Despite the fact that we humans communicate with our voices by soundwaves that affect the way air molecules are interacting with each other? Science also tells me that the amount of energy and matter manipulation that it would require for God to make a voice that is strong enough to be heard over several miles or weak enough to be a private whisper in somebody's ear canal are both microscopic and insignificant when compared to the burning bush and Red Sea stunts. Why can't a voice be among the list of possible actions that God can perform to communicate with his faithful following and all others?
Oh darn, I guess science also just completely explained how there can be the Spirit, Fire, Air, Earth and Water elements that that crazy WaterGirl was raving about before as well... Why must logic be so cruel?
CCR said:
That is the thing you do not understand. I cannot perform miracles, nor can any living man, and I belive that.
That is correct; that is what
you believe.
CCR said:
However, wiccans and pagans think they can with magic. That is why my faith is more rational.
And once again, you simply saying so isn't enough to make it "rational". Actual logic please? From what I understand about their spells and magic, they're doing nothing that's radically different than your average Christian prayer. If you care to tell me why that is not the case, feel free to try and do so.
CCR said:
He does not "talk". He is no human.
See my previous logical counterargument.
CCR said:
His divine will does not need to be shown to some Americans in the south west. His goal is not to talk to these people- his goal is to help them, to judge them, and to guide them.
Oh really? I don't recall reading anything about his plans in America in any Biblical text. Did He tell you that Himself, or did he miraculously draw a big red 'X' on the map as a sign?

Either way, you still think that Tennesee is located in the South-West when its really in the South-East. What did you hear about that particular region? So he's supposed to guide them somehow without showing his divine will? How do you propose that to be rationally possible?
CCR said:
And stop calling it "this God". Kind of insulting.
A reasonable request, and since I didn't realize that it was offensive for some people I agree I should cease to use that wording again. But it is one that I can only grant if you will fairly do me a favor in kind:
CCR said:
Maybe you aren't aware of this, but this terminology is offensive to the Serpent Handlers and similar Established Sects as well. If you look back, you've used this name quite frequently in this thread. Do unto others as you would want unto you, or something along those lines...
CCR said:
Faith does that, and I do not doubt thier faith.
Never said that you don't doubt that they believe their own faith. What I'm saying is that you are infamous for your ability to frequently bash the validity of other faiths without fully explaining yourself or taking into consideration what points others have brought up about them. Big diff.
CCR said:
Actually, the way you started it was an assault on Christanity for all being holly rollers who should be in a gay bar.
Now wait a minute. Not once did I assault Christianity. Don't you remember? I was generating a discourse on why I find the Serpent Handlers and their total entrustment of their very lives to repeatedly prove and reinforce their Christian faith to be much religiously ethical than other sects of Christianity. You, however, just gave yourself another big glaring blackmark by implying, no, STATING that these "holy rollers" are a bunch of homosexuals. I find that funny because you are automatically connecting them to a "sin" that is easily enough for eternal damnation under certain other Christian denominations that I will not name as well without even giving a single reason or detail that would imply them to be of this particular sexual orientation. SPOCK TROLL, WHERE ARE YU0?!?
CCR said:
Sorry if anything is really ilogical in this, I did not get enough sleep last night.
My condolences about the sleep. Haven't slept well myself lately, but that doesn't seem to be affecting my rationalization skills despite the facts that I was at school for fourteen hours, that its almost 2 am right now and that I have an early morning class tomorrow along with another fourteen hour day.
Gee, I kinda like doing this whole LOGIC thing with you now. After all, it does actually require the activity of actually using it to describe something instead of just expecting others to take what you say for granted...
Don't worry though, because my Sociology professor, whom went to a private Catholic school from kindergarten to Grade 13
(yes, they had an extra year of secondary education here in Canada up until last year. It was the equivalent of a transition year of education between High School and University that's free under public education as well), has cited several sources and books on research about adult cognitive levels tell us that one out of every three adults in our Western society are literally incapable of performing any independant metacognitive thinking regardless of ethnic, cultural or religous background.
In other words, I challenge you to testify against what I have proven to you to be logically sound in detail. Its only fair that you fight fire with fire instead of beating around the bush again yet AGAIN with your "logical" and "rational" claims.
Kharn said:
Why not extend the same courtesy to him? Is it just because he's trying to get you locked in wordgames, to contradict yourself? If he manages to do so, wouldn't that prove that you need to think about your own views on life?
Kharn said:
Been there, done that.