CC removed his own post, yes
I think he would appreciate it if your post would vanish too. What say you?
I think he would appreciate it if your post would vanish too. What say you?
How is it that you've managed to fit into a single sentence what my whole argument was based on?Hideki Hitler said:I wonder who is more insane; the fellow who hears God, or the fellow who talks to God and knows there won't be a response.
Ozrat said:How is it that you've managed to fit into a single sentence what my whole argument was based on?![]()
Ozrat said:How is it that you've managed to fit into a single sentence what my whole argument was based on?
Elegantly said. Well done.
Father Ted rules, shame he (Dermot Morgan) died.Hideki Hitler said:(Catholic, but in a sort of Father Ted way)
Father Ted said:This cow is small, those cows are far away
Bullshit. Age has nothing to do with your behavior. It can affect your understanding and your mental capacity, especially when it comes to adult topics, but it has no inherant influence on behavior or logic. After all, I can think of at least one important mathematician who developed an important proof when he was only twelve years old. And if you feel like fighting this point, you'd once again be foolishly arguing what decades of research has taught us.
Fuck that. Age does NOT matter. I'm 16 and I don't behave the way CCR does. He needs to behave himself, just like everyone else. Including Ozrat.Also, age does make a huge difference. Although most of us might not agree with CCR's views, at the age of 16, I don't think many of us can honestly admit to demonstrating the rhetorical maturity that CCR has shown, and trust me, we were all thickheaded at that age about our worldviews, no matter what they were. Hell, at that age, I was mainly typing out a/s/l IM's on AOL chatrooms, and at 18, I was spouting off all that ultra-liberal and totally-far-out spiritual IMO that you, Sanders, and others are constantly touting as the one and only truth. Yet, I don't go around stating:
Sander said:Fuck that. Age does NOT matter.
I'm 16 and I don't behave the way CCR does. He needs to behave himself, just like everyone else. Including Ozrat.
And, in case you have not noticed, you are not only insulting me here, you are insulting me without any evidence. In case you hadn't noticed, I have NEVER said that Christianity was silly or untrue, nor did I ever say I was anything but an agnostic. In other words, I don't do the far-out spiritual stuff, Ancient Oldie. Get your facts straight, and don't insult me.
Oh, and I'm not ultra-liberal either. Tsch. AND I've never said it was THE truth either.
On snake handlers: You do realise that he never said they were good, don't you?
The POINT he was making was that they have an incredible faith in god to do these things. And that most certainly is true. (This, however, says nothing about the faith of others.)
PS: Where have you been?![]()
bob_the_rambler said:Im 14 years old, and i dispise liberal thinking. am i heartless? im i without a soul?
no, and i can take shit from anyone. now im not whining just trying to make a point.
Age matters in the way you behave, yes, but on the internet (and everywhere else) you STILL have to behave yourself. Whether you're 8 or 99, you'll probably be treated the same way, and saying that you're 8 won't let you do things that are against the rules.Easy to say when you are 16 and perhaps hard to accept as true. But Ancient speaks the truth. I am a vastly different person now than I was when I was 25, or when I was 15. Age matters.
I also think you are venting because you are more angry with Ancient's implications- but if you look back at many of your posts Sander, you will recognize a bit of wishy-washy liberalism. I have berated you on that a few times. It's not your fault so much, but more a reflection of your perception.
Show me a person who was not a liberal when they were young and I will show you a person without a heart.
SHow me a person who was not conservative when they were older, and I will show you a fool- Or sayeth (or something like that) Winston Churchill.
Don't take it so personally. Makes you sound like a chick.
That was my point, really.Ozrat needs to behave because he's a moderator and thus has asked for and should assume responsibilities- that includes avoiding the desire to troll.
That said, this is NMA, not a pansy garden. If you are so thin skinned that you can't take the occassional jab or heat, then you are in the wrong damn forum.
If the poor behavior begins to distract from the content of what is said, from the integrity of the argument because the argument has become more about personality than issue, then the moderators and admins should intervene.
But we are not your nursemaids or parents. Everyone should behave, but we are not going to teach you manners. If you misbehave, expect to get whacked with a sledgehammer.
If he doesn't want to get personal, he doesn't need to use my name.My impression wasn't so much that he was suggesting that you were a religious zealot or a new-ager, but that your views have occassionally been too liberal. If he made a mistake, oh well. No one has the obligation to memorize what you have posted in the past and mistakes happen. If so, deal with it and move on. No reason to get personal.
And that I regard as totally untrue. I haven't been touting anything of spiritual or far-out-ness (odd sentence), and I haven't said things were the one and only truth. If he'd looked at most of my posts, then he would have seen that I have (at least tried to) give a nuanced view. And on the topic of religion, the topic of this thread, I have never said to be anything but an agnost, and have treated all (almost all) religions equally. Thus I found the comments to be silly, and a bit insulting. Frankly, he shouldn't have used my name.Hell, at that age, I was mainly typing out a/s/l IM's on AOL chatrooms, and at 18, I was spouting off all that ultra-liberal and totally-far-out spiritual IMO that you, Sanders, and others are constantly touting as the one and only truth. Yet, I don't go around stating:
Hey, I've never argued that he doesn't have qualities.I think Ancient's point was that CC's ability to construct logical arguments based on sound reasoning and use of evidence is, if flawed occassionally, superior than many of the people of your age group.
In that judgment, I agree. I have been very impressed with CC's rhetorical ability considering his age. I have mentioned it before, that I would like to have more students of CC's ability. I agree that he has been offensive in the past and sometimes needs to get a grip of himself. That he has overstepped the bounds of good behave was recognized and duly sanctioned.
Now unless you want to stitch the letter A to his chest, I suggest we move on.
Oh, and it's been a week that CC's been sanctioned. SO the ban has expired.
Now you're wrong. First and foremost, I'm a socialist. Secondly, I'm a liberal. Thirdly, I'm Dutch. It means I stick to most of the Dutch laws, and those are really liberal laws, so in that respect you may be right.You lie so bad! Dude, you are uber-liberal. You are so California liberal it's scary. I know APTYP has been on my ass for being a "hippy" but man, Sander....
But we have had that discussion before. You have been getting more grounded.
IIRC, he did, but only in the context of faith. Frankly, this was a silly statement, because you can't judge a man's faith by the group's faith.Without reviewing, I thought Oz did make some mention that snakehandlers were better Christians, to which I think the point was then developed as to the difference between being spiritual and religious as two different concepts of supernatural belief.
Then how mature am I? Or for that matter, several other people around here. Hehe.Bob - I teach a lot of young 17 and 18 year olds at pretty good university, and often I am surprised at how often these kids have adopted ideas they got from their parents or teachers, and how rarely have they come up with their own ideas. The ability to think individually and critically is also something that is aquired only with time. It is also a sign of maturity and the willingness of a person to define their individuality. By 21-22, most of these people are becoming more than the child of their parents but their own persons. At 18 they are still spooning back the crap they've been fed throughout childhood.
Hey CCR,
George Went Hensley had the right idea. You should strive to be more like him by being pure to the Christian ideal and not that tomfoolerly cult you're always raving about.
Actually, Protestants are a distinct minority of Christanity. Catholiscism is as big as Islam, and Orthodoxy is as large as the Bible Thumping strain of Protestantism, and massive in comparison to the Holy Rollers.
So, in short,
These are people who don't need a Minister or Priest to tell them the word and will of God because they have a one-to-one relationship with God themselves. They go into communal trances on a very regular basis. They are able to freely express themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually without fear of retribution amongst themselves. These Christians personally know their Holy Father and Spirit.
How dare you try to imply that your "religion" is somehow more "pure", "rational" or maybe even "better" than these true Christians. These are people who can survive tossing live rattlesnakes between each other, drinking various poisons and holding fire and other hot objects because their God is protecting them. And if they should die, its because God has chosen that to be their time to leave the Mortal Coil.
Give it up already CCR, these people are obviously more Christian than the followers of your belief can ever hope to be.
Sander said:Then how mature am I? Or for that matter, several other people around here. Hehe.
Ehehe. The only reason I got a bit pissed was that my name got mentioned there. For the rest, I don't really care.Cono Sanders, talk about hyper-sensitivity. Welsh was dead-on target about the point I was trying make. I was making a generalization about ultra-liberalist views when it came to the spirituality comment, which would have been better applied to the comments that Ozrat was making in this thread. I just threw your name in there since the point I was trying to make was that at your age, I was as naively ideological in my views as you and others are right now (IMO ). You can quote me on that last assessment if you want, as even you have admitted to having views like that several times.