S: 6 (since I hit gym I got a little above average)
P: 4 (near-sighted)
E: 7 (I'm pretty tough, I never get sick and I have good reserves)
C: 4 (I'm not a people's person)
I: 7 (I study physics, but I'm no genius)
A: 7 (Probably too much, but I couldn't fit those points anywhere else and I think it's not too far off)
L: 5 (Average, I guess)

Fast Metabolism (I'm a beanpole, I can eat all day and not gain a gram),
Good Natured (lover, not a fighter).
Science (again, I study physics),
Energy Weapons (got a job as a research assistant, working with lasers all day),
Outdoorsman (I just love being outdoors and camping. Too bad I don't have enough time for it).

/edit: Edited for Fallout 2 amount of points and traits, switched trait 'Gifted' for 'Good Natured'.
BiGoDeViN said:
Lol. I meant based on who you are now, not who you want to be. 5 being average. 10 being the best around.

I was being accurate, see my intelligence is rather low, not to mention my pissy endurance, and shitty strength. I lie not... :cry:
.Pixote. said:
BiGoDeViN said:
Lol. I meant based on who you are now, not who you want to be. 5 being average. 10 being the best around.

I was being accurate, see my intelligence is rather low, not to mention my pissy endurance, and shitty strength. I lie not... :cry:

Nothing a few Mentats, Psycho, and Jet wouldn't fix.... :wiggle:
ST: 7 (compared to some small framed people I can probably lift them by an arm and throw them several feet away)
PE: 6 (my hearing mostly, sight not 100% sharp but decent)
EN: 5 (resistant to damage and disease, but I get tired easily so it lowers it down)
CH: 7 (wether I want it or not most people I meet seem to automatically like me)
IN: 8 (most people think they're smart, yet the smartest you are the more aware you are of your own stupidity)
AG: 4 (big but slow)
LK: 4 (on certain occasions life's a bitch and seems to take a giant shit on me)

Traits: Bruiser (in a way already reflected on the stats, but don't do the exact in game maths); Chem resistant (from alcohol to coffee to most medicines, same effects as in-game description.

Tags: Small Guns (been in the military and currently law enforcement); Speech (I'm seriously considering becoming a lawyer because of my skill on this); Science (some fields, not an expert on a particular discipline, could be a sort of a mix with repair also)
Lol now I have to go in detail and redo mine. lol

S:7 (I don't want to be cocky or anything. I do box and wrestle so I think this is fairly accurate)
P:5 (I say I'm fairly average with this. I have good hearing and sight but I doubt I'm above average)
E:4 (I can take a few hits but I get sick around 2 times a year. so 4 is pretty accurate.)
C:3 (Whether I like it or not, people generally dislike me. haha)
I:6 (I think I'm fairly intelligent. I love to learn. But I'm not a genius.
A:4 (I'm slow. I can throw a quick punch but ask me to out run someone and I'm fucked. lawl)
L:4 (I've never won a game of chance)

Tagged Skills: Unarmed (been boxing/ wrestling for 2 years. No pro but I'd consider it a main skill of mine.)
Small guns (I don't know how to fire a LAW and probably never will. But I'm a decent shot with a rifle)
Outdoorsman (I can't think of anything else. So I chose this. I've been around the outdoors since I was a kid.

Traits: Heavy Handed, Trigger Discipline.

I didn't do this based on how many points you get in games.
Strength - 7
Perception - 5
Endurance - 8
Charisma - 2
Intelligence - 10
Agility - 4
Luck - 1

Traits: Small Frame, Good Natured.

Tags: Science, First Aid.

I'm pretty much an ugly nerd, thus the low charisma and the high intelligence. I'm a chemist, so science seems to be the first tagged skill. I have awful luck, last week I stepped into shit in a really weird way, I seem to did it with the sides of the foot, really strange.
I'm a shorty, just 158cm tall. I'm slow as hell, I even talk way to slow, so the low agility.
I'm also a really kind person, I actually compensate my low charisma that way, I've got a lot of friends thanks to that, so good natured.
Ahh, this thread again. Always a welcome exercise in self-interest.

S-1 (15 years of chronic illness and malnutrition)
E-2 (See "Strength." Would be "1" if not for long years of building up a tolerance to pain/overexertion.)
C-7 (People say it's too easy to like me. There's no tangible reason, but empirical evidence has borne it out time and again. I don't bank on it, but my personality's often been all that's kept me afloat.)
I-7 (Just an avid reader with an interest in learning and too much free time.)

Traits: Good Natured, Night Person

Tagged: Speech (F3 variant-- Magically managing to meet with success while still sounding like a doofus), Sneak, Barter

(I know I didn't use all 40 SPECIAL points, but somehow I doubt I'm the Player Character of this reality).

I'm pretty pathetic besides the fact i'm some what lucky and have above average intelligence.

Traits: Good Natured, Four Eyes

Tagged Skills: Science, Outdoorsman and Energy Weapons (based off my love of science and science ficiton)
S - 3 (I'm very weak)
P - 7 (I can observe pretty well)
E - 4 (Again i'm very weak)
C - 5 (Can sometimes convince people)
I - 7 (I rely on my mind instead of body)
A - 7 (...but i love sneaking)
L - 7 (I'm sometimes luckier than others)

- Four Eyes (I wear glasses)
- Small Frame (Again, i'm very weak)

- Science
- Sneak
- Speech
AikiDragon said:
S - 3 (I'm very weak)
P - 7 (I can observe pretty well)
E - 4 (Again i'm very weak)
C - 5 (Can sometimes convince people)
I - 7 (I rely on my mind instead of body)
A - 7 (...but i love sneaking)
L - 7 (I'm sometimes luckier than others)

I'm dittoing this one, but swapping some Luck for Endurance, despite my relatively unfit physique I am quite patient, and I can walk for hours on end. I'd take some further luck points and add to P and I, but leave A as it is, I am very good with tiny things, but I can be a bit clumsy with bigger things.
I would probably delegate yet a luck point to somewhere else, simply cus I tend to hit "murphy's law" moments quite often :I
.Pixote. said:
This thread already exists here at NMA...good luck finding it.

S = 3
P = 4
E = 2
C = 3
I = 2
A = 3
L = 1

I was born two months premature. When I was one, I was dropped on the porch. When I was two, I had pneumonia. When I was three, I got the chicken pox. When I was four, I fell down the stairs and broke six ribs. When I was five, my uncle was decapitated by a watermelon. When I was six, my parents hit me in the head with a shovel. When I was seven, I lost my right index finger to my pet rat. When I was eight, my dog Spike got hit by a tractor. When I was nine, my mother lost her arm to a rabid brahmin. When I was ten, my sister was torn to bits by a pack of dogs. When I was eleven, my grandfather killed himself because I was ugly. When I was twelve, my grandmother killed herself because I was ugly. When I was thirteen, my father poked out his eyes with a pitchfork in a drunken stupor. When I was fourteen, my brother lost his hand to a wallaby. When I was fifteen, my aunt choked to death on a chicken bone. When I was sixteen, I lost my cousin to a badger. When I was seventeen, I cut off my left big toe with a hoe. When I was eighteen, my father lost his right leg to the same tractor that killed my dog. When I was nineteen... :roll:
This sounds like a character in Fallout 2.
S - 6 (I've managed to hold my own in scuffles)

P - 5 (Not much to say here)

E - 6 (I take pain relatively well, although needles, needles.......)

C - 6 (I have the ability to make good speeches and convince others of my opinion, or I'm just really good at bullshitting in some cases. Impromptu Forensics helped with that.)

I - 8 (I'm not in college, and I've done terribly in math, but I ardently believe I've done poorly out of laziness. I have also taught myself all the words I know today. Reading helped expand my vocabulary and comprehension skills exponentially, and I don't regret a single hour of it.)

A - 4 (I'm Santa-fucking-Claus, get over it.)

L - 5 (I've had a combination of shitty and good luck throughout most of my life. I'm also not gonna deny that I've had a string of bad luck these past few months.)


- Science (I have a passion for programming, and I thoroughly enjoy working with mathematics when applied in an interesting field)

- Repair (Give me a few hours to screw around with something and I'll find out as much as I can in as little time as possible. On other occasions you get a hulking wreck of a device.)

- Outdoorsman (I enjoy nature a lot. I've hiked and climbed with plenty of energy to spare, although these days Santa has gotten a bit lazy.....and wider....XD)

Small Frame (I am rather short, even for a woman--5"2).

I'm not very strong, really...I think a bit below average, hence the 4. I think I'm pretty perceptive, and tend to notice things, so I rated myself slightly above average there. For endurance, same as strength...I don't take pain very well at all.

My charisma is 8 not because I feel overly good at speaking, but because (I'm not meaning to sound like a braggart), I've been told I am good looking, and have had quite a few guys flirt with me. So, I scored myself high here.

I gave myself a 7 for intelligence because my College GPA so far is 3.7, and that's with hard classes like microbiology, and Anatomy&physiology 1 and 2. Plus, I think I am pretty smart overall...that said, I don't deserve an 8 or higher, because it doesn't come naturally. I have to study hard to keep that high GPA.

Agility is an 8 for me because while I am a bit short, I find I can move fast and easily. I have good balance, and would consider myself agile.

Luck is SLIGHTLY above average--I won't be winning the lottery any time soon, but I've had good things happen to me, and have had some pretty good luck in the past.
S-6. Scored above average in the tests before military service (although I later succeeded in my task to get an exemption warrant).
P-8. Always on a quest to find anything out of the ordinary (and typically comment on it).
E-3. Couch potato, but quite pain-resistant...hence the high figure.
C-5. I've been told I'm likeable... at least as soon people get to know me - which takes time and effort.
I-9. Smart and lazy. Throw any IQ-test you'd like upon me and I always get good results... if I bother.
A-2. You won't see me do a somersault soon.
L-1. Luck has nothing to do with it. I'm just careful and think things through. That's why I'm alive and in good vigor today.

Night Person - Yesss... nocturnal creature I am.
Finesse - Wait for the perfect moment and then fire off a killer one-liner to end the argument... kind of.

"Long-haired dude", in lack of long-haired bearded viking dude.

Tag skills:
Science - Computer technician... science and sci-fi nerd...
Chem resistant - Hey, I'm Scandinavian AND hardrocker, what did you expect?
Sneak - I just love to stalk and scare my GF's cats!
At first i thought people were overestimating a little.

(Don't get me wrong this one of the most civil forums i have seen with the exception of the fallout POS section but it had it coming.)

But when i saw real life special at Gamespot i gotta say
either gamespot is full of muscular athletic geniuses with super visions or else people just think way too much of them selfes.
S-7 6'2" 210 and work in construction
P-7 My eyes are really good. -1pt for work related hearing loss
E-3 I smoke. I never do cardio.
C-8 Face to face, I can get almost anyone to like me. On the internet... not so much
I-5 High School educated autodidact. Terrible at math. Slow to learn things I'm not interested in because of ADD.
A-8 The stat i'm most proud of. I'm a big dude but have impeccable balance/spatial awareness/and good reflexes. Also ambidexterous.
L-7 I'm irish. The one time I gambled at a casino I played roulette and hit the numbers like 8 times winning 400 dollars in about 10 minutes.

Finesse- I'm a smooth operator
Good Natured- trust others to a fault; would rather be known as nice than a tough ass

Repair- because of my job
Outdoorsman -I hunt a lot. Basic hunting course is mostly wilderness survival.
Small Guns- I hunt a lot.