S-7: 90% of all my jobs have been physical and i spent a year lifting heavy crap without much hassle. I was actually leaning toward a 6 seeing how i'm out of shape now days but i guess my End took the biggest hit :P

P- 6: If i close my left eye my vision will be blurry but if i use both my eyes my sight will be allmost perfect. But my hearing has either gone down or people i hang around with are mumbeling to much :P

E-5 or 6: I can take a beating and i rarly get sick but i am out of shape so there will be no marathon running in a long time ;)

C-6: I'm a plain looking guy with an evil personality yet i can talk people over to my side with my charm/speech skill.

I-6: I may not be a rocket scientist but i'm really good at problem solving and i took a test trough the state a few years ago that put me above average in IQ. Can't remember how much above so i settle with a 6.

A-4: Ohh boy.. I feel old and as agile as a hippo some times and i'm really tall.. But even i can manage to do some really agile stuff sometimes. So i go for a 4 instead of a 3.

L-2: Seriously. I feel like Al Bundy when it coes to luck.. If i win a fortune the lottery ticket would light itself on fire and jump of a bridge.. Dragging me with it -_-

Kamikaze Jinxed and Heavy handed "Omg hax!" I was also thinking of Bruiser but seeing how i already set the st..

Melee weapons. Been working as a wrecker back in the days + being a evil skinhead and all.
Steal. Not that i'm a thief but i could probably carry out a laptop without you even knowing it.
Speech. Used to be into politics where i live. I still am but now it's more of a hobby.
I think a lot of you guys are confusing "Perception" with "eyesight". It's a bit more involved than that... Some of it's picking up on subtle conversational queues, some of it's just being able to notice something you see, not how crisp or clear the picture is. For example, I have shitty vision (too many books read with a flashlight under a blanket in the middle of the night when I was younger... yes, BOOKS, not magazines!) but I'm pretty damn perceptive overall. That being said, I'm sure many of you are scoring yourself a bit low in the PE area..... then again, if you didn't realize this, maybe it was scored just right? *wink*


ST 5
PE 8
EN 6
CH 7
IN 9
AG 3
LK 4

Traits: Good Natured, Sex Appeal

Tagged Skills: Barter, Speech, Science

Pretty average strength, possibly "weak" compared to some guys, but hardly frail. I'm always tasked with the heavy lifting, even though I'm NO menial labor kind of guy, so guess I'm average enough since I can "handle it".

I'm hyper sensitive, so I pick up on all sorts of information that others don't; ridiculously acute hearing, can smell/taste things others can't, and apparently my sense of touch is also much more keen, so I'd say I'm highly perceptive. Wouldn't score myself a 9 or 10, however, because my need for corrected vision certainly holds me back when ALL I need to "perceive" is a sign on the road... XD

Sorta hardy; I like to joke that it's thanks to my slavic heritage all the time ("Serbs have sljvo (brandy) in our VEINS, so we have high alcohol tolerance and naturally insulated against the cold!"). While not a physical pushover, I also shy away very easily from something as meager as "warm climate". Put me in a freezer, and I will scare people with how undaunted I am, but get me near a fire and I want to lie down...

I'm a very persuasive person, and although that only comes across in my intellect and argumentative abilities online, in person I have much more "personality" at my disposal. Apparently I'm not too bad looking, and I just exude alpha-male authority at all times, so I get people on my side quite often. Of course, I'm still very abrasive, so my charisma's only "good", not great or super human.

Top 2% of the intelligence bracket, 'nuff said really. I still wouldn't consider it a 10, because I'm NOT "the smartest" person I know, let alone "that is possible".

Not slow or uncoordinated- in fact I sometimes pull off feats of balance that impress -but I'm just... really clumsy. I bump into corners WAY too often. I could easily grab a falling plate like Spider-Man before it hits the floor, but I'm still knocking those plates over in the first place! >.<

I don't consider myself lucky- fortunate, but not lucky. All of my accomplishments were the result of circumstance totally in my own (or someone else's) control. Luck played no real part. If anything, I drew the short stick genetically, with all of the illnesses and potential for illnesses that I inherited, so I'm just a touch "unlucky", at least.
Right... Cause, y'know, there aren't ANY asshat bureaucrats at NASA just filling out a government job though not actually worth a damn...

No, I just felt that if I really am at the top 2%, that's well WITHIN "margin" to be 10, yet I don't think I qualify as a 10, because I know there are smarter. Being smart doesn't mean you're automatically a rocket scientist; sometimes you're just a small-time guy who's smart.

But then again, why am I trying to argue with you? You're evil! *wink back atcha*