Dopemine Cleric said:
Yeah, in all honesty, I spent days trying to figure out why the hell Kane was at the end of the Soviet Campaign. It is the only logical outcome.

So, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that EA decided not to screw with it. I think I just expect people to over-analyze things as much as I do.

Seriously the thing I love about the C&C games is that alot of the story only exists in the players awareness and assumptions about what is actually going on. Great you noticed.

In fact I now remember the C&C wiki saying something about Kane "advising" Stalin. I'll get a link if I can or maybe Mikael Grizzly will post one since he's an editor there.

The Vault Dweller


Not keen on the Tau fucked a Mechwarrior looking tesla troops in the concept art, but otherwise looking good. Loved red alert 2, lets hope this tops it, with none of that uri shit.
Ya know I was wondering...if the Soviets always use nukes and the next Red Alert has Japan will anyone be offended if the Soviets use nukes against Japan? Apparently EA already considered this would be an issue since the Soviets won't have nuclear weapons. Although I understand this decision I always thought of the use of nukes by the Soviets as "evil" and hence gave them the "bad guy" appeal. It's a shame they'll lose that now.

I saw that in a list of changes reported on a website that got it from a Dutch magazine;

New Information:

The IFV is back (Infantry Fighting Vehicle)
Confirmed super weapons: Iron Curtain, Chronosphere, Particle Cannon
New unit: The Allied Drone
No nuclear technology
In-house physics engine
60 minutes of cutscenes
Engine optimised for multi-core processors

Campaign Information:

The Soviet campaign will revolves around them trying to destroy both the Allies and the Empire of the Rising Sun.
The Allied campaign will revolve around the maniacal US president who desperately wants the Soviets dead.
The Empire of the Rising Sun campaign will revolve around the strained relationship between the Emperor of Japan and his son.

The Vault Dweller
I can guarantee that within two months of the game's release, there will be nuclear weaponry back in the game. The modders for C&C always get straight to work when a new one is released, and this is a bit of an injustice. After all, no nukular powah means no Desolator fields... :cry:
generalissimofurioso said:
No nukes!?

What the fuck EA?

What's next?

Are you going to remove the Attack Dogs and Giant Squid because PETA might get pissy?

All PETA people should be killed on sight.
The Vault Dweller said:
Dopemine Cleric said:
Dumbasses. Tiberian Dawn only happens if the Soviets in Red Alert win the campaign. Red Alert 2 happens when the Allies win in Red Alert 1. In Red Alert, Stalin was being manipulated by the Brotherhood of Nod, and then overthrown by Kane after he killed Stalin, which starts the Tiberian storyline.

So basically, both games are in the same universe on 2 different timelines. I can't believe that EA can fuck-up so badly... Yes I can.

Did you figure that out yourself or is there some sort of "C&C Storyline Guide" comparable to the "Fallout Bible" that you found somewhere?

The Vault Dweller

I dunno if he figured it out or found the info on the net, but both are possible because:

1) I for one figured it out by playing the games, as many players arond the globe did. The order I played the games was a very fortunate one: 1st RA 1 (both campaigns), than C&C 1, where I was surprised to see Kane, and finally RA 2, where Romanov is put on the Kremlin and betrays the US by kicking some Statue of Liberty ass. After that, I replayed RA, just to be sure, and confirmed my suspects: Allies win = RA2; Soviets win = C&C 1

2) Wikipedia has this information as well, and adds some problems that stem form this blrry timeline. Example: how is GDI created if Kane controls URSS and the whole Europe if the soviets win in RA 1 ? It's stated that GDI is not created by USA alone (if so it wouldn't be global anyway).
Makenshi said:
The Vault Dweller said:
Dopemine Cleric said:
Dumbasses. Tiberian Dawn only happens if the Soviets in Red Alert win the campaign. Red Alert 2 happens when the Allies win in Red Alert 1. In Red Alert, Stalin was being manipulated by the Brotherhood of Nod, and then overthrown by Kane after he killed Stalin, which starts the Tiberian storyline.

So basically, both games are in the same universe on 2 different timelines. I can't believe that EA can fuck-up so badly... Yes I can.

Did you figure that out yourself or is there some sort of "C&C Storyline Guide" comparable to the "Fallout Bible" that you found somewhere?

The Vault Dweller

I dunno if he figured it out or found the info on the net, but both are possible because:

1) I for one figured it out by playing the games, as many players arond the globe did. The order I played the games was a very fortunate one: 1st RA 1 (both campaigns), than C&C 1, where I was surprised to see Kane, and finally RA 2, where Romanov is put on the Kremlin and betrays the US by kicking some Statue of Liberty ass. After that, I replayed RA, just to be sure, and confirmed my suspects: Allies win = RA2; Soviets win = C&C 1

2) Wikipedia has this information as well, and adds some problems that stem form this blrry timeline. Example: how is GDI created if Kane controls URSS and the whole Europe if the soviets win in RA 1 ? It's stated that GDI is not created by USA alone (if so it wouldn't be global anyway).

Not to mention a World Defense Initiative is mentioned in the Allied campaign. The whole "Soviets = Tiberian Dawn" idea is just... illogical.

The real-life USSR didn't fall apart after Stalin's death and his denouncement by the party execs, it wouldn't after Nod's victory either.
Hello Mikael Grizzly,

I got this from an interview in PC Gameplay, a Benelux game magazine.
The original developers tried to connect Red Alert series to the Command and Conquer series, hence Kane's appearance in the the original RA, but apparently they realised that it caused some problems so they gave up on the idea.

It was the team under EA that wanted to continue the whole 'Kane worked with the Soviets' scenario.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Hello Mikael Grizzly,

I got this from an interview in PC Gameplay, a Benelux game magazine.
The original developers tried to connect Red Alert series to the Command and Conquer series, hence Kane's appearance in the the original RA, but apparently they realised that it caused some problems so they gave up on the idea.

It was the team under EA that wanted to continue the whole 'Kane worked with the Soviets' scenario.

Uh, they didn't "try". They DID connect it, as in the Tiberian Dawn faq it was billed as TD's prequel. The Wiki follows the faq, and assumes the timelines diverged sometime after Great World War II (call it a freaky Chronosphere incident).
The explanation I made up myself kills anything EA could spend months on writing. That being said, it's pretty ilrelevant, since EA controls the C&C franchise at this point, and I'm sure the reasons for Kane's appearance in Red Alert now involve aliens, B-movie actors, and sexploitation.
Dopemine Cleric said:
The explanation I made up myself kills anything EA could spend months on writing. That being said, it's pretty ilrelevant, since EA controls the C&C franchise at this point, and I'm sure the reasons for Kane's appearance in Red Alert now involve aliens, B-movie actors, and sexploitation.

Uh, it always included aliens.

And no, it doesn't include the Chronosphere.

And NO, Kane DID NOT clone himself.