References in Games (Also Easter Eggs) Good, Bad, How?

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
Now I've noticed some games have huge amounts of references to other things including other entertainment mediums. Some games also have almost none.

In your opinion do you like or dislike references in games? Does it depend on how they're presented?

A reference can add a lot of joy from a passing thing in a game when the player gets it, but it can also detract from the experience by trying to draw entertainment from another separate source implying that the original content isn't expected to hold the players attention. Fallout 2 often felt this way to me.

What if the reference fits so well that it isn't noticed and seems naturally a part of the story unless someone is very knowledgeable on what's being referenced? I've always felt that a reference should be included in such a normal way that those who don't get it don't even realize one is there and thus don't feel disappointed at missing something of interest or have to look it up just to know.

Also I'm surprised this has never been discussed before or at least as far as I'm aware of it.

The Vault Dweller
The Vault Dweller said:
In your opinion do you like or dislike references in games? Does it depend on how they're presented?

It sure depends on how they're presented but I mostly enjoy easter eggs, references etc.

However, as much as I liked Fallout: New Vegas, it was a game that somehow disappointed me in terms of easter eggs(random encounters). They just didn't feel right. Either that or my little brain had a hard time catching them. :D
Not quite sure, it really all comes down to the type of game they are in. Fallout 2 had an awful lot of silly shit in it that detracted from the atmosphere/setting quite a bit, it probably would have been better if they toned it down a bit. I feel New Vegas handled it quite well, it had some subtle references which weren't right in your face, and then for people who preferred Fallout 2 type silliness - there was Wild Wasteland mode.

But I can't say the same for something like Duke Nukem 3D and Blood which are games that I felt were made a lot better with all their references/Easter Eggs, it felt like a treasure hunt (or an... easter egg hunt, heh) just looking for them. These games were already silly to begin with, so the EEs didn't really "ruin" anything. Hearing Duke or Caleb say something in regards to the pop culture reference you just found is always funny to me.

It's sad to see that pretty much all new games are completely devoid of Easter Eggs altogether (with the occasional game set-aside) out of fear of copyright infringement or just the developer's "srs bsns" attitude, despite how unrealistic their game may be.
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Never knew this is where Duke got his tagline from till I saw this movie a couple weeks ago. PS. Best movie ending ever.
As for me, I enjoyed the jabs at MGS in the Spliner Cell games.
I for one adore references. Be it for other things created by the same company or homages to other things entirely. One of my fondest memories of Pikmin 2 is collecting the head of an old R.O.B (A peripheral for the NES that helped spark sales) and the ship calling it the "Remembered Old Buddy."
I like the references. I'm one of those people that enjoyed Fallout 2 because of the craziness of the Easter Eggs,pop culture references,etc.....

Wild Wasteland springs to mind in New Vegas. I do think too many references like in Fallout 3 ruins the environment a little. I think having a choice (like in New Vegas) in whether or not you see the Easter Eggs is a good move.
I like easter eggs, but they need to either be subtle, be earned by the game, making somethign with it, not just walking right into a reenacment of some internet meme, or an sceen from a movie, something FO2 sometimes completely failed at.
The Vault Dweller said:
...the reference fits so well that it isn't noticed and seems naturally a part of the story unless someone is very knowledgeable on what's being referenced
In general I'd go this route. If you can successfully embed a reference in this way I'd say do it as often as you like. You'll be the Thomas Pynchon of video games.

Very overt, humorous references are okay as long as they're extremely rare. One example that comes to mind is running into Larry, Darryl, and Darryl in Baldur's Gate. Do it once in a game, and it's funny -- unless you're doing a comedy game, in which case all the rules are off.