But best title ever!
PC Gamer has a retrospective feature for Fallout's sequel, which uses New Reno as an example of all that is good, bad and divisive in the title. Not a bad choice, though they might be focusing on the sex a tad too much in my opinion:<blockquote>Fallout 2 remains a divisive RPG, even among the series’ notoriously rabid fans. It’s much sillier than its predecessor, with references to everything from Monty Python to Star
Trek largely dropped at random. Its handling of things like sex is either more mature or more “mature,” depending on your sense of humor. If you’re a female character for instance, your first encounter with one potential party member—a kid named Myron—involves him trying to slip you a mickey. And then, most likely, you kicking his scabby balls up through his mouth.
The part most people remember though (if only because there can’t be a single player who didn’t try it) is the sleazy porn studio in bad old New Reno—the place where you can temporarily put aside your quest and (cough)make your star rise. You don’t get to see any low-resolution hanky-panky, but you do get a special Reputation bonus, as well as a porn name that will haunt you for the rest of your quest. Dick Mountenjoy? Rodd Rokks? How about Ebineezer Screws or Arnold Swollenmember? All are actual choices that people in the street will start shouting at you—as are Lucy Loose, Pokeahotass, and Dominatrish for less-than-ladylike ladies.
It’s actually a relatively small area, but that doesn’t matter. Not only is there a lot to do and see, it’s an incredibly reactive little piece of design. As a female character for instance, expect to take lots of “sugar boobs” and “hey baby” crap. Do a porn movie and most guys love you, but the hookers sniff and spit—as opposed to salivating over a male stud. Become a Made Man as either gender, though, and the guards who previously gave you trouble suddenly can’t wait to suck up. Little, dynamic details like these do more for making a world feel “real” than a thousand carefully coded AI routines.</blockquote>Thanks, GameBanshee for bringing this to my attention.
Trek largely dropped at random. Its handling of things like sex is either more mature or more “mature,” depending on your sense of humor. If you’re a female character for instance, your first encounter with one potential party member—a kid named Myron—involves him trying to slip you a mickey. And then, most likely, you kicking his scabby balls up through his mouth.
The part most people remember though (if only because there can’t be a single player who didn’t try it) is the sleazy porn studio in bad old New Reno—the place where you can temporarily put aside your quest and (cough)make your star rise. You don’t get to see any low-resolution hanky-panky, but you do get a special Reputation bonus, as well as a porn name that will haunt you for the rest of your quest. Dick Mountenjoy? Rodd Rokks? How about Ebineezer Screws or Arnold Swollenmember? All are actual choices that people in the street will start shouting at you—as are Lucy Loose, Pokeahotass, and Dominatrish for less-than-ladylike ladies.
It’s actually a relatively small area, but that doesn’t matter. Not only is there a lot to do and see, it’s an incredibly reactive little piece of design. As a female character for instance, expect to take lots of “sugar boobs” and “hey baby” crap. Do a porn movie and most guys love you, but the hookers sniff and spit—as opposed to salivating over a male stud. Become a Made Man as either gender, though, and the guards who previously gave you trouble suddenly can’t wait to suck up. Little, dynamic details like these do more for making a world feel “real” than a thousand carefully coded AI routines.</blockquote>Thanks, GameBanshee for bringing this to my attention.