Reinstall: Fallout 2


But best title ever!
PC Gamer has a retrospective feature for Fallout's sequel, which uses New Reno as an example of all that is good, bad and divisive in the title. Not a bad choice, though they might be focusing on the sex a tad too much in my opinion:<blockquote>Fallout 2 remains a divisive RPG, even among the series’ notoriously rabid fans. It’s much sillier than its predecessor, with references to everything from Monty Python to Star
Trek largely dropped at random. Its handling of things like sex is either more mature or more “mature,” depending on your sense of humor. If you’re a female character for instance, your first encounter with one potential party member—a kid named Myron—involves him trying to slip you a mickey. And then, most likely, you kicking his scabby balls up through his mouth.

The part most people remember though (if only because there can’t be a single player who didn’t try it) is the sleazy porn studio in bad old New Reno—the place where you can temporarily put aside your quest and (cough)make your star rise. You don’t get to see any low-resolution hanky-panky, but you do get a special Reputation bonus, as well as a porn name that will haunt you for the rest of your quest. Dick Mountenjoy? Rodd Rokks? How about Ebineezer Screws or Arnold Swollenmember? All are actual choices that people in the street will start shouting at you—as are Lucy Loose, Pokeahotass, and Dominatrish for less-than-ladylike ladies.

It’s actually a relatively small area, but that doesn’t matter. Not only is there a lot to do and see, it’s an incredibly reactive little piece of design. As a female character for instance, expect to take lots of “sugar boobs” and “hey baby” crap. Do a porn movie and most guys love you, but the hookers sniff and spit—as opposed to salivating over a male stud. Become a Made Man as either gender, though, and the guards who previously gave you trouble suddenly can’t wait to suck up. Little, dynamic details like these do more for making a world feel “real” than a thousand carefully coded AI routines.</blockquote>Thanks, GameBanshee for bringing this to my attention.
To be honest, I was more interested in the comment section lamenting the loss of great RPG's like FO1 and 2

"Back then when playing F1 or F2 I wondered how great RPGs will be in the future if games like Fallouts are so great."

exactly my thoughts
Earth said:
To be honest, I was more interested in the comment section lamenting the loss of great RPG's like FO1 and 2

Yep, the article itself was pretty uninteresting, as is most game related journalism. Now back to : Super Robot Taisen Alpha Gaiden. :P
They talk so much about sex, because, well - they're the Game Of Thrones generation. I grew up watching Eastern European reruns of Mac Gyver and A-Team!

It is true, though, that New Reno reacts pretty damn well to all kinds of Karma and titles you get. I wouldn't mind if they took something from the New Reno experience and implemented it in a future FO game :roll:
Gaspard said:
They talk so much about sex, because, well - they're the Game Of Thrones generation. I grew up watching Eastern European reruns of Mac Gyver and A-Team!

It is true, though, that New Reno reacts pretty damn well to all kinds of Karma and titles you get. I wouldn't mind if they took something from the New Reno experience and implemented it in a future FO game :roll:

Wouldn't the Game of Thrones generation be people that grew up watching Game of Thrones, so actually people that still aren't old enough to write for PC Gamer?
WorstUsernameEver said:
Gaspard said:
They talk so much about sex, because, well - they're the Game Of Thrones generation. I grew up watching Eastern European reruns of Mac Gyver and A-Team!

It is true, though, that New Reno reacts pretty damn well to all kinds of Karma and titles you get. I wouldn't mind if they took something from the New Reno experience and implemented it in a future FO game :roll:

Wouldn't the Game of Thrones generation be people that grew up watching Game of Thrones, so actually people that still aren't old enough to write for PC Gamer?

They're old enough.


(How does one embed YT vids on nma, nma?-- solved, thanks Gaspard.)
you put 'em in [youtube] brackets, Kamoho

well - you don't have to be born before the show started - old enough to watch it and be interested in it. And then Tumblr made it popular with >10-yo girls. I'd say there's a generation of active gamers and game journalists that are young enough to fit those categories.

also, before Game of Thrones there was the Californication :roll: and every third new show has more explicit sex scenes than the previous one. In games too - the Witcher made me guffaw every time they showed the 3D bangin'. Very awkward, yet somehow better than some odd out of place smooching like they used to do in High Fantasy settings...

TV series aside - I still think we're at a stage where explicit adult content is becoming more and more popular in games, so young people will be especially excited about it. It's like what the cigarettes used to offer - instant adulthood and cooldom.
Feeling prudish today, are we? They're just boobs, 51% of the world's population has them and most infants know what they look like.
Buxbaum666 said:
Feeling prudish today, are we? They're just boobs, 51% of the world's population has them and most infants know what they look like.

For some reason this idiot world still has a major problem with nudity, so much so that blowing heads off is considered fine but nudity is a no-no. This is true of most media today. It would be nice if we could meet a middle ground, where no fuss is made over things like nudity but at the same time it isn't shoved into our faces (LOOK! BOOBIES HURR HURR HURR (f*ck's sake :roll: )
This is what I'm talking about. We have exploding heads. Screw boobs, now we're exposing vaginas! And some would call it progress. I'm not so sure is what I'm saying.

If I want boobs I go see boobs, I don't boot up a computer game õ_o

Blowing things up is slightly different. Whenever I feel like blowing something up I play Bomberman, not google "how to make car bombs", you know.
I just don't see why it's an issue. I'm not demanding there being any but I just don't see why people would care.

I was just pointing out the double standard of violence and gore being fine but the human body (something everybody has) is a problem.
Well, I don't see how that is an argument in itself? There are a lot of things that are very natural to man - passing gas for example. Would you dig a Fallout game, where the character farts every time you have a critical failure? It's a natural bodily function! Why not include it!

I'm saying that if anything is justified, it's fine, but if it's there for controversy - that's just cheap.

Most people on these forums seem to agree that all that gore and 'splodin body parts in Fallout 3 is in very bad taste and excessive (go check the appropriate threads, there are at least a dozen of those). Why compare those two all of a sudden? If excessive gore = not good, how would nudity = good, just because?
Jeez, I did say I would only accept it if it wasn't shoved in your face. I just don't see why the subject's taboo, within video games and in general media. I was comparing it to gore because both are controversial.

I was just saying I don't get people's problem with it. If it's just shoved in there for controversy's sake (especially if it's used for marketing to teenage kids), then yes, I will take issue with it, the same way I'm not too keen on the gore.
Gaspard said:
you put 'em in [youtube] brackets, Kamoho

well - you don't have to be born before the show started - old enough to watch it and be interested in it.

I never said that? Dude, sorry, but you were the one that acted all awesome because you grew up watching 80s shows of questionable quality (I watched them too because they kept airing reruns of them, and dubbed too, so don't feel bad) and then argued about a Game of Thrones generation, which obviously implies that these people would have grown up watching Game of Thrones.
Hmm. I'm not sure how it came off like that - what I wanted to stress was not that "I am awesome" and "the 80's shows are way cooler", but "80's shows don't have explicit sex like in the Game of Thrones and the likes".

I added the exclamation mark so as to stress the enormous gap between those shows.

Also I'm not trying to belittle you in any way, just debatin' here. I thought you stated that you think the Game of Thrones generation is not old enough to write for PC Gamer, I don't agree, and I explained why I think that way. Have a brew, man
80's TV shows also were cheaply made and had to appeal to a very broad audience. TV networks like HBO are largely responsible for a paradigm shift in how TV shows work and it's a good thing.
You (and some people I know) are constantly talking about the sex and nudity in Game of Thrones, what does that say about you? It's not like it's the defining feature of the show. Using the term "Game of Thrones generation" to describe people that are supposedly fixated on sex is a very ignorant thing to do.

The porn star part of Fallout 2 was certainly memorable when I first played it. I mean, I was a teenager. And that was more than ten years before anyone even thought of putting Game of Thrones on TV.
I love cheesy 80s shows by the way, I just wouldn't call them quality TV. Anyway, this whole discussion is pretty OT, so I'd politely suggest to end it here and focus on the article for the comments.
edit: Agreed, yo

[spoiler:5c5cc3e7f6]Game of Thrones, the whole saga of ASoIaF, has better merits than its plentiful tits out! moments. Should this be the point where we can all agree that we disagree?

Or wait - when did this become a TV-show discussion? WorstUsernameEver mentions in the OP that he thinks there's too much attention to sex in that article - commenting on the journalist's focus. I agree and provided my thoughts that perhaps it comes with the times in general, when sex is explicit in most mediums - stress on the keyword "explicit". Sex itself has been a hot topic since the dawn of man, yet there have been phases when it was done tastefully. Yeah, I'm old fashioned that way. I still believe in (good) taste, even in pulpy fiction. If you took a moment and read carefully, you'd notice that I haven't said once that I think A-Team is better than GoT.

Anyway this was my bag o' pennies. I'll pretend step out for a smoke before this here thing becomes any more personal than it is.[/spoiler:5c5cc3e7f6]