Rene Auberjonois doing voice work on New Vegas

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Rene Auberjonois tweets.<blockquote>Rene's current project: doing voice work on upcoming Obsidian Entertainment computer game, Fallout: New Vegas</blockquote>Auberjonois is best known for playing the role of Odo in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and he recently voiced Karl Schäfer in Uncharted 2: Amongst Thieves.

Thanks WorstUserNameEver.

EDIT: coincidentally, Bethesda producer Jason Bergman tweets.<blockquote>Spent over 11 hours today in a room with no windows for VO recording. That was rough, but the results are gonna be amazing.</blockquote>Thanks Lexx.
I think it's a good choice. He's not an A-list movie actor like Neeson, so not that expensive, but he has nerd creed especially among Star Trek fans and is an experienced voice actor.

My guess is that he'll probably voice Mr. House.
Don't really know anything about this guy, but a merith from an Uncharted game is pretty promising :D
By the way, could the wording of his tweet mean that Obsidian is handling the voiceovers, not Bethesda? I still doubt they are, but it would make sense given that they're in California where there are more available actors than in Maryland.
Obsidian doesn't have the facilities to record voice acting, Bethesda does, so I doubt that. If "Obsidian" is handling it, they'd have to have given it to a VA studio (like Chris Borders').
Yeah, I'm not saying they'd be doing it in-house, but could be supervising it, having the advantage of being in California. Still, probably Beth handling it themselves is more likely.
Well, Jason Bergman wrote via Twitter today, that he has been in an 11 hours long VO recording. This in combination of the Rene Auberjonois-thingy leads me to the conclusion, that it has to do with New Vegas. So... Now it depends on where Jason Bergman has been at this time and you probably might get the recording location. :P
Who the fuck is Rene Auberjonois?

Public's googled his name

Good god, he's been voice acting for a while! a long carrier!
Lexx said:
Well, Jason Bergman wrote via Twitter today, that he has been in an 11 hours long VO recording. This in combination of the Rene Auberjonois-thingy leads me to the conclusion, that it has to do with New Vegas. So... Now it depends on where Jason Bergman has been at this time and you probably might get the recording location. :P

Read the rest of his tweeter feed, he's been on west coast this whole week(at least)
He was great as Odo though I do wonder how much VO time he will get in the game.

Also isn't BN's avvie from that Chuck Norris comic?
I hope they have more than 4 voice actors this game.

If I have to hear the same goddamn Crotchety Old Man voice from 80 different people I'm going to start cracking skulls.
Pfft, that's nothing. I spent a year in a room with no windows writing software. Hey, it paid the bills.

It's good to be the king.
Lexx said:
Well, Jason Bergman wrote via Twitter today, that he has been in an 11 hours long VO recording. This in combination of the Rene Auberjonois-thingy leads me to the conclusion, that it has to do with New Vegas. So... Now it depends on where Jason Bergman has been at this time and you probably might get the recording location. :P
I miss Tony Jay T_T

Rene Auberjonois is pretty awesome, 'I'm so used to doing like 5 lines, "GO THROUGH THAT DOOR!" "DON'T GO THROUGH THAT DOOR!" "HEY ASSHOLE, GO THROUGH THAT DOOR!"'
He looks very different out of his Odo outfit and I hadn't noticed it was him when I've seen him in other stuff. It's nice that they actually got an actor who nerds know of who can actually voice act.

I still want to see a show or play a game that is entirely voice acted by Jim Cummings.
Obsidian has had pretty good voice acting from what I can recall. but I'm guessing they'll mainly be using Bethesda's "talents".
Rene's voice work in the Legacy of Kain series made me a fan of his. Tony Jay and Michael Bell both voiced in that series as well. Glad to see Rene joining Tony and Michael among the ranks of people voicing for Fallout. I just hope it's not wasted (like Michael Bell was).