As voice acting casting choices go choosing Rene Auberjonois is an encouraging sign.
I could see in a slightly different set of circumstances, Rene Auberjonois being cast for the first two Fallouts. He is ana ctor who is recognised and respected by more geeky types, a bit like Clancy Brown, Tony Chaloub and Michael Dorn. (I.e. unlike Liam Neeson and Malcolm McDowell, Rene Auberjonois would have 'fit in' the first two games)
I could see in a slightly different set of circumstances, Rene Auberjonois being cast for the first two Fallouts. He is ana ctor who is recognised and respected by more geeky types, a bit like Clancy Brown, Tony Chaloub and Michael Dorn. (I.e. unlike Liam Neeson and Malcolm McDowell, Rene Auberjonois would have 'fit in' the first two games)