Reptiles Anyone?

Mr Krepe

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I'm curious to see if anyone else on this forum, is as interested in reptiles as I am, as well as if they own any reptiles. I have an albino caramel corn snake and a carolina corn snake, both about 2 years old. I also have two young (four months) bearded dragons. If I wasn't such a technology noob I could've uploaded pictures of them, but y'know. So anyone else share my interest in reptiles?
Snakes in particular I have a love/hate relationship with. They are quite fascinating and I enjoy watching them, although from a distance in a controlled situation.

I do shoot them on a regular basis all the same. Rat snakes I am more tolerant of and let them be. Down at the creek where I jog though there was at a time before my great snake genocide an infestation of cotton mouths. Creepy little fuckers, laying there in the water looking up at the sky with their mouths open.


They will just lay there and hold that pose dead still, it freaks me the hell out. Pretty sure my hatred for them in particular comes from the fact that when I was little I almost stepped on top of one while he was doing that and did not even realize it.
I own a couple of red-eared sliders (turtles). I've had them since I was a kid so they're probably about 21+ years old now:

Pictures are a bit blurry because the friend who took them has palsy hands:



I would love to get a snake or some lizard. But I think those creatures are best left in their natural habitat.
Crni Vuk said:
I would love to get a snake or some lizard. But I think those creatures are best left in their natural habitat.

It all depends on what you get really, because some are born and live most if not all of their life in human created habitats, so they get used to living in tanks/vivariums/so on, instead of living in the wild, although I understand what you mean, I don't generally like the concept of getting reptiles straight from the wild, as it would probably mess up the animal. But, without getting animals from the wild, we would never have pets and so forth, so it's a bit of a tricky subject for me to navigate.

@Korindabar: Are your sliders placid with each other, because my friend has two sliders that used to scrap all the time, but are old now and have calmed significantly?
They've been living together their entire lives and they've never really had much of a problem. On the rare occasion they might nip each other accidentally while eating or get annoyed and take a snap at the other if they won't move off the sun rock.

There's a been a few times where they've had a 'fight' where one will bite and clamp on to some loose skin and not let go. Then there tends to be a lot of thrashing in the tank but never really any serious damage since their skin is pretty tough.

I don't doubt some turtles don't get along, depends on their personality and environment. If their environment is irritating (poor temperature, dirty, etc) they may be more prone to annoyance. Some turtles may be really territorial or poorly socialized (as much as you can socialize a turtle).
Yeah his turtles were pretty darn territorial, they were calm most of the time, it was just when one of the turtles would go onto 'their' sun rock. So my friend fleshed out the tank, so it was pretty even on both sides, and then the turtles generally kept to their sides.
I don't understand the snake hate that some people have. Snakes are awesome. There are a couple of ringneck snakes living in some rocks in my backyard. My favorite snake, though, is the king cobra.

Anyway, I love reptiles. Lizards and crocodilians are my favorite reptiles. Lizards especially, monitors and Komodo dragons and such. I had a desert collard lizard as a kid, I don't recommend one. Nasty little guy.
Desert collared lizard? Haven't seen one of them in years, I think the last time I saw one was in the pet shop down the road, feisty bugger to say the least, eager when it came to feeding.

On snakes: I don't get snake hatred either, there's nothing wrong with them, my snakes are extremely friendly, and they seem to have a love for couch's, because everytime you're near one and you're handling the snakes they make a bee-line for every piece of seating in the room. If I would have to say my favourite snake, this is quite hard, but i'd say the is the sidewinder snake, it may look boring, and yes it does in some cases, just the way it moves fascinates me.
Yeah, not a huge fan of snakes or most reptiles. That's mostly because I dislike animals that seem less 'predictable' than others. I find it hard to read snakes or iguanas and I'm not keen on getting bitten by either. Even if a turtle wanted to bite me they aren't hard to maneuver around at least.
verevoof said:
I don't understand the snake hate that some people have. Snakes are awesome.

Not here they're not where there are cottonmouths everywhere. If you step on one of those you won't think snakes are awesome much longer. That's why if you see a snake here you are obligated to shoot it/cut it into pieces.


I live in the swamp and these things are freaking everywhere.
Yeah no kidding.

If you think snakes are awesome come down to South Carolina and I will take you on a trip through some creeky backwoods. You don't fuck around with water moccasins. Read what you will about them online, from my personal experience they don't startle easily or run away from human contact. They always stand their ground and do that creepy fucking open mouth thing.
They also blend in damn well with the natural surroundings around here so it is easy to step right on top of one without even realizing it.

I always shoot them and will hang the bodies in tree limbs around the creek. Comes from an old Southern wives tale where doing that will ward off the rest of them from coming around. More or less I have just got a few good laughs from scaring the hell out of girlfriends when I take them down to the water.
Just because I think snakes are awesome, does not mean I think some of them are not dangerous. I wouldn't hesitate to kill a poisonous snake if need be.
I had a number of iguanas and other lizards growing up in California. Most of them died due to my negligence... Apparently not all reptiles like to breathe under water with wood chips, and food on top of them. 6 year old's...


My brother has a turtle for a pet. Those are creatures I've learned to respect. Though I do like to touch it's back leg to make it hide in it's shell. They're fast then. Funniest moment was when he tried to fit behind our washer.
I am more a gecko fan. :>

But I don't have any animals. I've got problems already just trying to keep my plants alive, doubt I could be any better with animals. So it's better for both... me and the animal, if I don't have any pets of whatever kind of type.

Except maybe a rock. I bet I could keep a rock alive. Probably.
Well, I don't doubt that snakes are dangerous, but I think they're visually appealing, and domesticated ones are more often than not, really friendly, sometimes a bit eager. I like Iguanas also, but they're vicious animals when they are slightly unhappy, i've been on the receiving end of an iguana's tail one too many times.
Wooooooooowwwweeeee...How the..wait...there is one thing I must ask: Say when you're holding a lizard, if it jumps you know where it has gone cos of the size, but with that, if it're in a predicament?