I only played RE4 and parts of RE1 and 2. After hearing that RE5 ties up all the loose ends, I decided to start from the beginning and replay the whole series, starting with the GC remake of the first one. It will probably take me FOREVER, if I actually end up doing it (I'm not sure if I'll replay the fourth)
Anyway, I only now realize just how different RE4 and 5 are, and I'm actually surprised by how much more I'm enjoying RE1.
Controls are not that much harder. I love the slow pace, the atmosphere, and the puzzles. It does feel a bit too supernatural for a zombie game but I don't mind, it has a bit of a Silent Hill vibe to it.
I agree that they should not have gone in the new direction because it completely leaves out the awesome investigation elements. I did like RE4 quite a bit but I wish this version was released:
It was cancelled for being too supernatural.