I just thought about fallout's nps ( I'm referring only to characters that may join with player ), the debate about stealing from them and so on.
Well, I realise they're not supposed to be packmules but independent npcs and on the other hand I am aware of inconvenience with fallout npcs.
As I heard npcs that may join player were not in original plans and were added .... shall I say, ad hoc, thus their AI and interaction with player sucks. So they failed to be "good" ( well, I used "good" word for short. I mean all relationship, AI, setting, design stuff that makes npc independent being that properly plays its role in game ) npcs which pretty much turned them into fighting packmules. But again, they were not designed as a packmules, so they suck in this role as well. In other words they try to be too many things at once and are good at nothing.
seeing this, I'm not surprised people may complain about lack of proper interface to exchange goods, not trade them. It would be far more simple to make npcs a good packmules then a good npcs afterall.
While setting up a proper exchange interface could shallowed the mood, setting, whatever you call it, and if we consider actual stealing form companions as a part of interface this would make overall interface less clunky.
On the other hand working on a npcs AI, ways of interactions with player and wasteland ( as an environment and other npcs that don't follow player ) would make game more deep ..... and well, people wont argue about "steeling form npcs" stuff now.
While I'm not a programmer, using my limited knowledge I can say it's far easier to make exchange window I mentioned before then improve npcs behavior. I don't see the reason to blame people that are not satisfied from npcs ( which are far from being perfect as I said ).
Sure, player can pretend that npc companions are good ones ( well, games are not real, it's mostly about pretending anyways ) but in fact player would only cheat him/herself this way. It would be idealising a thing that is not even any good, not to mention being ideal.
While having realistic well made npcs would be the best option, having dumb bots pretending to be fair npcs is not in my opinion second best choice. Second best choice ( it's not good, it's just less bad I'd say ) would be having well made packmules and only after that would be actual npcs from fallout.
And, no, I'm not complaining about it or trying to force anyone to agree with me, I'm only judging it and share my opinion. I see it's hot spot of discussion so I thought I'd bring some new point of view to it.
Well, I realise they're not supposed to be packmules but independent npcs and on the other hand I am aware of inconvenience with fallout npcs.
As I heard npcs that may join player were not in original plans and were added .... shall I say, ad hoc, thus their AI and interaction with player sucks. So they failed to be "good" ( well, I used "good" word for short. I mean all relationship, AI, setting, design stuff that makes npc independent being that properly plays its role in game ) npcs which pretty much turned them into fighting packmules. But again, they were not designed as a packmules, so they suck in this role as well. In other words they try to be too many things at once and are good at nothing.
seeing this, I'm not surprised people may complain about lack of proper interface to exchange goods, not trade them. It would be far more simple to make npcs a good packmules then a good npcs afterall.
While setting up a proper exchange interface could shallowed the mood, setting, whatever you call it, and if we consider actual stealing form companions as a part of interface this would make overall interface less clunky.
On the other hand working on a npcs AI, ways of interactions with player and wasteland ( as an environment and other npcs that don't follow player ) would make game more deep ..... and well, people wont argue about "steeling form npcs" stuff now.
While I'm not a programmer, using my limited knowledge I can say it's far easier to make exchange window I mentioned before then improve npcs behavior. I don't see the reason to blame people that are not satisfied from npcs ( which are far from being perfect as I said ).
Sure, player can pretend that npc companions are good ones ( well, games are not real, it's mostly about pretending anyways ) but in fact player would only cheat him/herself this way. It would be idealising a thing that is not even any good, not to mention being ideal.
While having realistic well made npcs would be the best option, having dumb bots pretending to be fair npcs is not in my opinion second best choice. Second best choice ( it's not good, it's just less bad I'd say ) would be having well made packmules and only after that would be actual npcs from fallout.
And, no, I'm not complaining about it or trying to force anyone to agree with me, I'm only judging it and share my opinion. I see it's hot spot of discussion so I thought I'd bring some new point of view to it.