State Of A Nation, One Point At A Time
State Of A Nation, One Point At A Time
But bad word of mouth also has an economic effect. Bad word of mouth could translate into fewer sales. So there is an economic issue at stake. ...
This is a scenario where politics is local.
Local nephew and his pals are grinding through WOW. Relax by thrashing out Guitar Hero.
Using PC's with older P4 motherboards, XP sp2, but recent 256 mg video, using bargain and hand me down tech.
Not a stereotyped pop culture of unlimited funding and endless hours of play. Time @ WOW shoe horned into schedule.
Yet so far in, selling characters. Challenge is to pump up the less nerf-ed, group support classes.
See PS2's, Xbox'es, sitting idle. For lite-gaming. Guitar Hero. See serious play on old PC's with broad band links. Money allocated for WOW and cable subscriptions.
DOW? Not interested in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th expansions. (Well ... me too.)
Bioshock? Waited for the real reviews from their peers, and can list all the flaws. No avalanche of sales. Not even interested in as gift.
Where WOW is number 1, Oblivion a footnote in recent history.
At this level, it's the friends network, the local word of mouth affecting limited sales.
Where WOW is number 1, how can buzz agents and brand ambassadors ...
change the direction these consumers are already going to go?
Yes, they know of FO, and hear the drum beat for many titles, including Beth-Soft's FO3.
Budgeting money AND TIME, they can wait for the peer reviews, the 10 or 20 dollar off loss leaders, the gift, the bargain bin.
I don't see the potential at this point of sale for impulse buying, unless it's WOW, or Guitar Hero.
{Stunned that B-Soft hasn't yet intimated, sweet whispered, a lurking mini-game, a Guitar Hero clone.
B-soft no longer cutting edge Nex Gen? B-soft sliding into conservative market-eering decline?}
The hard reality of limited time and money, the power of teen age peer pressure, may be primary forces in this local domain.
Game time busy with WOW, Guitar Hero, oh ... and real-life(tm), what other marketing hype can penetrate this local sub culture?