Ron Perlman mentions Fallout movie

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Via Ausir, Fallout voice acting stalwart Ron Perlman mentions he was given the impression Fallout's being made into a film.<blockquote>Apparently, in the DVD commentary for the Mutant Chronicles movie, Ron Perlman stated that he was the narrator in a action heavy videogame that he thought was being made into a movie, and where the tagline was "War never changes". Is it an actual confirmation of the Fallout movie rumors, or maybe he's just mistaken?

We cannot be certain for now, but keep in mind that earlier this year Bethesda Softworks applied for the Fallout trademark for "Entertainment services in the nature of an on-going television program" and for "motion picture films about a post-nuclear apocalyptic world". So there might be some truth to the rumors, especially given that if a Fallout movie was being made, Ron Perlman would definitely be one of the first actors approached by the studio.</blockquote>Thanks anonymous and Ausir.

Oh and since I'm posting anyway, happy belated 10th anniversary to our Polish brethren at Trzynasty Schron. May many more years follow.
I think the trademarking was just to protect the Fallout franchise. But, it would be interesting if there was going to be an actual Fallout movie.
verevoof said:
I think the trademarking was just to protect the Fallout franchise. But, it would be interesting if there was going to be an actual Fallout movie.

Oh come on!
You as well as everyone knows that movies based on games are mostly bad, and that in Fallout's case they could never get it right.

It would be a Mad Max rip off with mutants.
Keep story of the Fallout 1, cast Russel Crowe as Vault Dweller, hire David Fincher or Chris Nolan to direct and Jonah Nolan to write and you are good to go, Beth!
Paul_cz said:
Keep story of the Fallout 1, cast Russel Crowe as Vault Dweller, hire David Fincher or Chris Nolan to direct and Jonah Nolan to write and you are good to go, Beth!

Ahaha. God, that would be terrible.
I'd prefer D. Aronofsky rather than C. Nolan and even D. Fincher. Brought me the most emotions in 2008 (The Wrestler).
But whatever, silly talk; it'd be certainly U. Boll who might rape our x-times ass-raped, worn-down FO universe. :smug:
Paul_cz said:
Keep story of the Fallout 1, cast Russel Crowe as Vault Dweller...

I've always imagined the vault dweller to be extremely charismatic. Russell Crowe constantly looks like he's about to punch you in the face.

I think UnidentifiedFlyingTard's got it right though, where a Fallout movie might actually be worth a damn if it's not made by hollywood. I would rather see a indie "smart" Fallout than the hollywood popcorn explosion michael-bay brand movie. But that that doesn't sell, so... :|

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Neill Blomkamp

he directed District 9.

Yeah I loved that movie, and the fact he took a "no name" actor and made him take the lead part; with great success imo.
The chosen one, a young man freshly out of an underground bunker in the middle of a post World War 3 desert is about to play a game of earth's survival with an unknown alien menace in Uwe Boll's FALLOUT

I really want that to happen. I want that movie to be directed by Uwe Boll or any other lobotomized labmonkey. I want it to be even worse than the stat wars holiday specials. I want it to be so bad it redefines the meaning of "bad movie".

They raped Fallout on Earth, they raped it in space. Low orbit but still. Now they're going to rape it cinematically.

I want the bethesda fanboys to suffer.
I'd get Ridley Scott to direct it (since Stanley Kubrick is dead). The story would be told from the perspective of Ron Perlman's character, who would be the protagonist's sidekick. That way the movie could start with the famous quote.

And nothing written by Bethesda would be included.

Chris Nolan could fetch coffee for the crew.
Fallout: The Musical

Directed by Michael Bay and Todd Howard


Starring Will Smith and Shia LaBoeuf.
Deadman87 said:
Now they just need to get Uwe Boll to direct it and it's set for greatness.

As a german I dont know of what i should be more ashamed off, the holocaust, or Uwe Boll.
archont said:
I want the bethesda fanboys to suffer.

I like the way you think. :)

UniversalWolf said:
I'd get Ridley Scott to direct it (since Stanley Kubrick is dead). The story would be told from the perspective of Ron Perlman's character, who would be the protagonist's sidekick. That way the movie could start with the famous quote.

And nothing written by Bethesda would be included.

Chris Nolan could fetch coffee for the crew.

How about it's directed by Tarantino and instead of Samuel L. Jackson Ron Perlman narrates it?
Bah! All of those pail in comparison to a David Lynch fallout movie that dealt with the circumstances of jet addiction!

Should have a near-deaf enclave sergeant that huffs spray paint and rapes children played by Gary Busey.

A jet-whore prostitute that helps the hero and saves money to buy her dead sister a gold watch, who she hallucinates that is still alive played by Jodie Foster

The Hero should be the Chosen One played by Robin Williams, and he should be on mushrooms, since he is a tribal.