Ron Perlman mentions Fallout movie

The only way I can see Fallout being made into a good movie is as a B-flick made by Troma with Bruce Campbelll thrown into the mix.
Deadman87 said:
I would rather see a indie "smart" Fallout than the hollywood popcorn explosion michael-bay brand movie. But that that doesn't sell, so... :|

That would be cooler, but as you said, it's the money issue. Most likely what'd happen is that they'd do what they did with Hitman and Max Payne: Hollywood the fuck out of it, cast someone who's got name recognition over those who could actually play the part true to the character, and make it a stereotypical for-a-quick-few-million action flick that's somewhat like a video game of the same title.

Various people said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Boll buy the rights to Fallout as a movie a while back?
verevoof said:
I think the trademarking was just to protect the Fallout franchise. But, it would be interesting if there was going to be an actual Fallout movie.
Yes, but only without Hoolywood and Bethesda and if we find a Director that really cares for a post apoc theme and not just the big bang which means not very likely. So better no Fallout movie then one with bad quality.

If they would really make one I would not be surprised if they get someome like Bay working on it or if they would make it just similar to something like T4 salvation ...
Crni Vuk said:
So better no Fallout movie then one with bad quality.

The normal argumentation would be now: You should be happy that there will be at least a movie! Even a bad movie is better than no movie, just like even a bad Fallout 3 is better than no new Fallout! :>
I think the movie should be planned from the start to be multi-parted, at least a trilogy, and the entire first part would be:
  • Maybe, performed by Jack White
    Gene Hackman as the Overseer, giving the opening speech
    83 minutes of Jake Gyllenhaal as the Vault Dweller fighting rats in a dark cave
    To raise audience expectation for the sequel, the movie could end with an emergence into blinding sunlight and a vision of what might be horned kangaroo bones... or is that Ron Perlman?
Misteryo said:
I think the movie should be planned from the start to be multi-parted, at least a trilogy, and the entire first part would be:
  • Maybe, performed by Jack White
    Gene Hackman as the Overseer, giving the opening speech
    83 minutes of Jake Gyllenhaal as the Vault Dweller fighting rats in a dark cave
    To raise audience expectation for the sequel, the movie could end with an emergence into blinding sunlight and a vision of what might be horned kangaroo bones... or is that Ron Perlman?

Instead of Fallout, why not name it the Rat Chronicles? Also, throw in about 10 more actors just so they can die a typical Hollywood B horror movie gruesome death.. by rats.

Edit: Also, 3/5 through the movie, have the protagonist run through a rat infested area, dodging rat teeth in an all-out rat-tastic scene trying to reach a dying friend. This scene should take at least half an hour. Then the hero dies and is revived by ancient vault dweller spirits so they can live and revive their friend with the Matrix!.. I mean the.. uhh.. Vaultrix!

Edit 2: Then when their friend gets up they make all the rats explode using their bloody mess perk, and then the overseer emerges from the vault and says, "What in the bloody bloody heck is going on here!? What did you do to our food supply? Don't you two know what soylent rat is made out of? Rats! It's made out of RATS!" - end credits roll.

-- after credits: The overseer turns into a giant walking water chip, for no apparent reason, and starts shooting lasers out of his eyes while saying, "All your vault are belong to us!" which alludes, somehow, to there being a sequel in the future. It was going to be about Necropolis and the title would be Mutant Chronicles but the name is already taken... :(
Terry Gilliam is the way to go...

But knowing Bethesda, they will hire a guy with terrible taste and no artistic vision instead.

Oh and it's not as if Terry Gilliam would be interested anyway.

In other words, the Fallout movie is fucked no matter what.
I'm not sure which is more sad, that they actually made a movie about rats, or that people liked it enough they made the 2nd movie...
dont ask me what the reason was but it probably was not cause people loved the movie.

I mean Bloodrayne by Uwe Boll earned no money. It was a complete failure. And I have not seen any one seriously who said "was a good/ok movie". Still he wanted to make a second movie.
archont said:
The chosen one, a young man freshly out of an underground bunker in the middle of a post World War 3 desert is about to play a game of earth's survival with an unknown alien menace in Uwe Boll's FALLOUT

I really want that to happen. I want that movie to be directed by Uwe Boll or any other lobotomized labmonkey. I want it to be even worse than the stat wars holiday specials. I want it to be so bad it redefines the meaning of "bad movie".

They raped Fallout on Earth, they raped it in space. Low orbit but still. Now they're going to rape it cinematically.

I want the bethesda fanboys to suffer.
Someone takes this series too seriously.
Misteryo said:
83 minutes of Jake Gyllenhaal as the Vault Dweller fighting rats in a dark cave

That idea is not original!!! It was already in Rambo where Sylvester almost got eaten up by a bunch of them
I watched Aliens 3 recently. It largely seemed as the inspiration for the Van Buren prison - it was really fallout-y. The movie was well paced and interesting until Ripley found out the Alien was her child. From then on it was just bullshit. So David Fincher seems like he could pull off a good post-apoc atmosphere, but somebody should get him a decent script.
I think John Carpenter would be a good choice of director for a Fallout movie. Look at Escape from New York/L.A., I got a really Fallout-y vibe off those ones.
patriot_41 said:
I watched Aliens 3 recently. It largely seemed as the inspiration for the Van Buren prison - it was really fallout-y. The movie was well paced and interesting until Ripley found out the Alien was her child. From then on it was just bullshit. So David Fincher seems like he could pull off a good post-apoc atmosphere, but somebody should get him a decent script.

Alien and Aliens are the only movies from that series worth watching.

As for Fallout, thinking about it more and more, I really don't want to see a Fallout movie. I guess it could be done, but it comes down to whether it should be done.
I can barely imagine a Fallout movie being accurate/good. It doesn't seem like even a 3-hour movie would do the setting or story full justice.

Also, thanks for the sig, Jay-F.