This ghoul has seen it all

In my first run I just delviered the evidence to the NCR, it was pre patch so I can still go and buy ammo from them, I don't know if its a bug or what. Independent.
In my second run I delivered the evidence to the NCR, but Then I decided that I liked that Plasma caster a lot and that I could use some ammo, and armor, and caps, and that I wanted to put a plasma beam on Jean Baptiste ugly mug, and those guys looked tasty, so I went and killed them all, looted the place, devoured their bodies and slooooooooooooowly went back to my Lucky 38 suite. That was my House Run.
Of coruse in my NCR run I decided to personaly kill Cass with my Oh Baby! hey it was a small price for Da Repulik of Kandycornia.
I also completed the Gun Runners sidequest, you jsut have to enter at night and sneak in, no bloddy massacres necesary.
And in my Legion run, I just went and got Cass Rose of revenge Perk, painted the walls red. I also went and killed the Gunn Runners just to make the Crimson Caravan expansion efforts a lot harder.
There is also a way to kill them indirectly in their sidequest, you jsut let the guy with the bomb nter, but you lose some major loot.
In my second run I delivered the evidence to the NCR, but Then I decided that I liked that Plasma caster a lot and that I could use some ammo, and armor, and caps, and that I wanted to put a plasma beam on Jean Baptiste ugly mug, and those guys looked tasty, so I went and killed them all, looted the place, devoured their bodies and slooooooooooooowly went back to my Lucky 38 suite. That was my House Run.
Of coruse in my NCR run I decided to personaly kill Cass with my Oh Baby! hey it was a small price for Da Repulik of Kandycornia.
I also completed the Gun Runners sidequest, you jsut have to enter at night and sneak in, no bloddy massacres necesary.
And in my Legion run, I just went and got Cass Rose of revenge Perk, painted the walls red. I also went and killed the Gunn Runners just to make the Crimson Caravan expansion efforts a lot harder.
There is also a way to kill them indirectly in their sidequest, you jsut let the guy with the bomb nter, but you lose some major loot.