Some people suggested to go for Russian websites of restaurants, tourrist sites and the like and instead of leaving a review to inform them about the ongoing war.
Do not go gentle into that good night,Big deal. Everyone wants to kill Putin. Even Putin.
Knew his place? This American chauvinism is fucking disgusting. The whole "only one superpower will be allowed" doctrine. The world is NOT better off under USA. A multipolar world order is required.NATO wouldn't have to do anything if dip shit knew his place and didn't try to over step. He's a relic that outlived his usefulness and now is willing to ruin Russia in a bid to stay in power.
Bipolar World: today Chechens are bad ,our Iranian friends will give us oil. The Islamic 'guys' are mainly bad, the Houthi rebels very bad. The Texan OIL crisis is now officially over. Shocks and Stares in Greek olive OIL climb whilst Palm and Coconut OIL climb. Hawaii has declared independence and will join the Yen. British TV says Ukraine has no need to denazify as Zelensky is jewishKnew his place? This American chauvinism is fucking disgusting. The whole "only one superpower will be allowed" doctrine. The world is NOT better off under USA. A multipolar world order is required.
Pretty sure even a giant chunk of Russians know he is. He's like Donald Trump, but he actually has a brain and he's far more dangerous. Not generating a war at home but pushing a war on their next door neighbor. Just like they did Finland. Makes me wonder what wouldve happened of Trump stayed in office and had a brain. Would dip shit tried to have started a war with Mexico?NATO wouldn't have to do anything if dip shit knew his place and didn't try to over step. He's a relic that outlived his usefulness and now is willing to ruin Russia in a bid to stay in power.
Knew his place? This American chauvinism is fucking disgusting. The whole "only one superpower will be allowed" doctrine. The world is NOT better off under USA. A multipolar world order is required.
With that I agree, two wrongs does not make a right. So all superpowers should stop invading countries.
And what place has become better where America have stuck their fingers? Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan? Syria?
Tbh, a Utopia is too good to be true. At best, a utopia is a dystopia in some way shape or form. Idk if the west should try to establish any form of hegemony. I dont see it lasting considering whoever we elect can become too problematic for everyone and more upstarts stage revolutions and civil wars in their own countries to the west over disagreeances over how things should be run and if leaders are following what laws they establish, or some view said laws to be backwards and going against cultures and traditions for what had existed long before the law.Unfucking believable. Dipshit is invading Ukraine right now and Dragula says we need this fucker. You think we need shit bags like Xi Jinping too?
I just made multiple points about how the west changes it's leaders and western style governance is better. How the hell you think any utopia comes about?? It ain't gonna happen when too many countries fight. We need one main hegemon and nobody is better suited than the west/ the U.S.
You know after the fall of the Roman empire, Europe also turned into a multi polar world too. The Europeans proceeded to butcher themselves silly for the next millennia, culminating in two horrific world wars. YAY for muli polar world.
Like Syria was soooooo much better because the Russians stuck their fingers in the fucking pie too. We have potential WW 3 thanks to Putin and out comes an apologist. I KNEW we had some hidden somewhere. Just waiting on the rest of you to come out of the woodwork.