RussiaBlog, spinning the tales of vodka and women

Kharn said:
Besides which, you're not even supposed to smoke around the orphans, weed would probably get you kicked from the camp and reported to the authorities.
Of course you aren't supposed to smoke weed around the orphans. That would be just mean.

If, on the other hand, you were to give them a few smokes, I'm sure they would refrain from reporting you to the authorities.
What is "You're my bitch!" in Russian?

learn that you might get called that in jail. :P

have fun
If you ever encounter a group of Russian girls, invite them to join you for a "kolyektivna razvalyotka" (that's a polite Russian way of inviting girls for a friendly drink).
Kharn said:
Where will I go? To Kitezh, 300km south of Moscow. "A non-profit partnership of foster families living together on a large piece of land who adopt orphaned children into their families and educate them at Kitezh school"

So you are going with your wife??? Since it says the kids are going to live with a family? or is this something like that hippy camps with all kinds of drugs?

Kharn said:
Sander said:
Heh, that makes me wonder: are you taking your weed with you, Kharn?

Of course not. I haven't smoked any in months anyway, it's not like I ever made a habit out of it. So fuck it.

Besides which, you're not even supposed to smoke around the orphans

Oh I see. :P

Anyway good luck in your new job at Christina. err... the russian city.

I said goodbye in TO already, so don't expect me to say goodbye to you again, because I would really like to say goodbye again, but I'm compelled not to because I would've said goodbye one too many times to you since you're going away to Russia which is really far away, a nice goodbye would have to do but then again, I already said goodbye in the other forum so goodbye.
Re: I'm leaving pretty soon

Kharn said:
I'm dropping by Warschau to visit Wooz on my way there.

You must have meant Warsaw? :] I'm sure Wooz will tell you everything you need to know to survive Russia. And Russian vodka. Have a good time, Kharn! :)
You have my mail, please drop in a word from time to time, i`ll be worried sick if you don`t. Take good care of yourself Thomas.
*imagines Kharn in a Russian prison*
Staying in a Russian prison is bearable,but staying in a Turkish one isn't.There men are raped.There was an American movie about it.
Have you actually been incarcerated in a russian prison?

Not that it matters. Prison rapes were not invented by the turks.
Was ist? ? ? said:
*imagines Kharn in a Russian prison*
Staying in a Russian prison is bearable,but staying in a Turkish one isn't.There men are raped.There was an American movie about it.
Not that bad anymore. There's still the whole ghey pron aspect, but the AKP has done alot.
Was ist? ? ? said:
Staying in a Russian prison is bearable...

I don't know in which fantasy land there is a prison that could be described as "bearable", but Russia is definitely not it. You know that whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing? Well it works backwards in the Russian prison system. It is very possible for a person to "wait" to go to court in prison for 2 years or more.

...,but staying in a Turkish one isn't.There men are raped.There was an American movie about it.

Where's that "Mr. Obvious to the Rescue" image? Prison and rape kind of go together regardless of the country. Because of this, every major prison movie has a rape factor included.

The movie you referred to was probably Midnight Express
Are you insulting the prison system which is the modern-day form of the system which produced the Fyodor Dostoevsky we know and love?

Ha! Makes it sound like a pretty good prison, compare it to a Mexican prison and it looks rather nice. There are much worse than Mexican prisons in this world, not to mention Russian prisons.