S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky

I really liked the original STALKER, with the Oblivion Lost mod. However, I thought it had a bit too much focus on the shooter aspect, and I've heard Clear Sky is even more like that. Ill probably wait until they reconfigure the Oblivion Lost mod, or make something similar for it until I buy the game.
Well from what I read the game is buggy (though I don't know what the bugs are). Apart from that it looks sweet.
fedaykin said:
Here's a very insightful review of Clear Sky that I encourage everyone to read: http://www.1fort.com/blog/review-stalker-clear-sky/

That was absolutely brilliant read, and I too encourage everyone to read it just for the sake of having a good time while doing it.. However, I did not experience any such problems with this game that are being described there. Even with older patch that came out before 1.504.

Oh and by the way, it is possible that new patch will be out this friday, from what I've read on GSC forum.
Nice to read. :)

I personaly have had no problems with the last patch. Everything runs fine until I go to Limansk.There I got one CTD and the next and the next... I needed approx two days to finish 80% of the game but I can not finish the last 20% because of the CTDs I get. That was the reason why I started again and didn't followed the story that much. Just running around, explore, finding artefacts and so on... this is really cool ingame and better as in SoC, imo. I just would like to finish the game now... hmm.

Arrived at Red Forest ( after a really retarded combat with zombies on a roof ). Had to follow a group of stalkers through a tunnel. Was ambushed by mutants. Stalkers started to fire aimlessly, almost at each other. Couldn't move because they didn't allow me to. Died.

I hate this game again. This is the first time I really wish I had downloaded the game instead. It seems that very little thought was placed into it besides atmosphere and graphics. I hate it. I HATE IT ! :evil:
i do EXACTLY understand how you feel. i hate it when a great game concept is raped by stupid little things. guess why i will never own a consloe (timed events as in "push x to NOT DIE!")
Oh yes, NPC's pushing you around or blocking your path is a HUGE annoyance in Clear Sky. Many times I died because my "friends" pushed me out of my cover. That wasn't a big problem in SoC cause you were alone most of the time.

I also think Clear Sky is a game that will definitely require big help from people like Kanyhalos. His Oblivion Lost mod is what makes SoC a WAY better experience than Clear Sky so far. That is what I'm currently playing, I decided to not finish Clear Sky yet, and see what patches/mods will come out. It's still a good game though.
npcs have no place in shoc. except for the professor in xantar and the main quest npc, they all die on me, and i like it.

in pripyat, i let them rush forward. they normally manage to survive 2 blocks, and then its free ammo collection for me... yay!

stalkers dont come in packs, man. tho i really like to return to the bar after a nice night raid somewhere.

also, blowouts. are they the same as in OL?

Multidirectional said:
Oh yes, NPC's pushing you around or blocking your path is a HUGE annoyance in Clear Sky. Many times I died because my "friends" pushed me out of my cover. That wasn't a big problem in SoC cause you were alone most of the time.
What the??? They fixed the getting pushed by NPCs issue in SOC long ago. Did they forget to include the fix in Clear Sky?
Well... I just recently purchased the original Stalker and the head bobbing, weaving, whatever when you're walking is giving me headaches. Any solutions?

Oh btw is there any repercussions to not completing a quest in time? I noticed when I go back to the trader I get the same quest again. Also, I can't seem to find any pseudo dogs.. Are they the ones with the demonic faces? If so, I found one but rather than let me finish it off, the idiotic AI took over and sent it off towards the nearest anomaly where it died. That sucks because it always seems like I don't get any loot from animals if they kamikaze or get killed by someone/something else. Might just be my imagination though.

Also, I was quite frustrated with going back and forth to sell loot until I decided to stash most of my stuff I wanted to keep in the box at the trader. I hope it won't get stolen?

Anyway, yeah, the headache giving bobbing as you walk is terrible. Any fan-made patches for that?
horst said:

Yantar, dude. It's not a Flash Gordon game set in planet Xorbion.

also, blowouts. are they the same as in OL?

A bit toned-down. The difference is nobody stops doing what they were doing and start running, in fact, everyone seems pretty oblivious to the emission.

Except birds.

I burst out laughing when an emission had a pretty funny effect: a few crows dropped dead and landed in front of my character with a distinct "plop" sound.

All in all, it's not a bad game (except the ending). One of the best innovations is how you can only get artifacts out of anomalies, and the early-game area is amazing.
fedaykin said:
What the??? They fixed the getting pushed by NPCs issue in SOC long ago. Did they forget to include the fix in Clear Sky?

I may have not noticed that being fixed in SoC since I always walk alone in SoC, but the issue is certainly present in Clear Sky, last I checked.
From what I read, GSC failed to incorporate some fixes in Clear Sky, that were already fixed by community in SoC.

It's annoying when an "ally" pushes you out of cover right into the blazing barrel of your enemies.

I'm not sure how much community-fix they're allowed to incorporate, wouldn't that mean using other people's work in a commercial product? Isn't that, uh, illegal without paying the author?
in russia? lulz. otoh, the collision system hasnt been changed in modded versions, either (no wonder with having no sdk and all). and i dont exactly think they have to pay modders, since modding stalker means basically reintegrating omitted content that came with the program OR altering lots of parameters that came with the program, too. they might have problems with custom uniforms and weapons done from scratch by modders.