S.T.A.L.K.E.R. goes...gold...for reals?

Bradylama said:
STALKER used to be a simulationist FPS along the same lines of persistant world that Space Rangers and its sequel have done for space games.

The features removed were essentially a lot of the simulationist nitty gritty. I could've lived without NPCs accomplishing the main mission, but the other features removed like sleep, food, and diversified ammo were just unnecessary efforts at making the game more "streamlined."

It's still apparently a "real world" with the old naturally functioning ecosystem. At this point I'm just hoping that the homogenized ammo means that certain calibre rounds work for certain guns without constraints for magazines like in the Silent Storm games, but that's a longshot. If anything it'll be unified ammo for rifles, pistols and whatnot.

Are you sure they took those features from npc's? i went to their website and saw this under game description

Key Features: Living-and-breathing world: virtual monsters and stalkers migrate around the Zone, similarly to the player they are preoccupied with day-to-day things – feeding, fighting, looking for prey, trading, sleeping, taking rest.

I do think you are right about the mission thing, i recall reading something about them being able to do missons also, but now i see nothing about that on their website anymore. Also i see a lot of people saying they dumbed it down, but after listening to recording on gamespot where one of the creators of the game talked about how they almost ended up not releasing the game at all because they had trouble with the programing, and they brought someone in to help them do it. I don't think they took certain features out to dumb it down, it seems like they just couldn't do some of the stuff they wanted, so it wasn't implemented.
i wouldnt get my hopes up based on whats saying on a games webbsite which for the most part of its development acted as vaporware ...

Key Features: Living-and-breathing world: virtual monsters and stalkers migrate around the Zone, similarly to the player they are preoccupied with day-to-day things – feeding, fighting, looking for prey, trading, sleeping, taking rest.
my bet si that this translates to youll walk around and stumble unto scripted bubbles that wait for you (a la Oblivion) ...

like i said before i dont wanna be bashing this thing.. maybe it will work out ok ... but to me its hype
they bragged about things that arent doable everybody bought it and here we are

i'm especially skeptical about this thing : Living-and-breathing world: virtual monsters and stalkers migrate around the Zone, similarly to the player they are preoccupied with day-to-day things simply because it would lead to possible loops, deadends and gameplay anomalies not to mention cpu load
radnan said:
i wouldnt get my hopes up based on whats saying on a games webbsite which for the most part of its development acted as vaporware ...

Key Features: Living-and-breathing world: virtual monsters and stalkers migrate around the Zone, similarly to the player they are preoccupied with day-to-day things – feeding, fighting, looking for prey, trading, sleeping, taking rest.
my bet si that this translates to youll walk around and stumble unto scripted bubbles that wait for you (a la Oblivion) ...

like i said before i dont wanna be bashing this thing.. maybe it will work out ok ... but to me its hype
they bragged about things that arent doable everybody bought it and here we are

Thats true, you could be right, we will find out when we play it, but i really do hope it doesn't turn out that way :( or else it will be oblivion 2.

The only thing that gives me hope, is that this game wasn't created for the xbox also, it was a pc exclusive, if that wasn't the case i would have way more doubts, but you never know.
Rainstorm said:
radnan said:
wait .. waht ?

Not sure what the question was...or if it was aimed at me....but in case you're wondering about me,I am a FPS'er first and foremost.(even if I still haven't found any FPS that is in the same league as FO/2 gamewise,it's a genre where I've found more games that appeal to me than any other genre...)

Suppose you liked Star Wars Republic Commando. I really enjoyed the game, that squad based thing... If anyone made a Fallout mod for that game, damn, would be awesome to play a Brotherhood squad ^^

NOTE: I'm NOT, absolutely NOT, saying that I'm up for playing 'Oblivion with Guns', if FO3 turns out to be it. FO3 is supposed to be an isometric, turn-based, P&P RPG, and that's what I expect it to be.
Ehhr..this game is not a first person shooter...it is moore like a RPG! And I cant believie that some of you have no Idea of STALKER. I think Stalker is going to be my personal Fallout3...
Concerning your fear of "scripted bubbles": Ive read several Re- and Previews in magazines and on websites and all confirm that only keymoments relevant to the Mainquest are scripted and even those are completely unique everytime you play the game. Moreover the game offers 7 different game endings, it seems like they have adopted the multiplechoice answer system from fallout and all decisions you make have an influence on how people react to you.
Nope :D I really dont trust Bethedsa...looking at their shitty game and character design just makes me wanna rip my own eyes out and dont make me talk over the gameplay :seriouslyno: . And when Im thinking about that they are producing Fallout 3... :violent:
I meant the part about STALKER being more of an RPG. At this point the only thing rpg-like about it is NPC interaction and faction relations. It's not even certain exactly how that's implemented.

STALKER's always been mostly a shooter.
Okay..you are right;) But it contains RPG elements like upgrades that improve your weapons accuracy or armors that give you higher resisstances or even unique items like the artefacts that give you special abillities. For me Stalker is a merger of RPG and FPS :P
Deus Ex 2 had nothing but those elements, and it hardly constituted a good roleplaying experience. (it wasn't even a good FPS experience)
Unlike DX2, Stalker hasn't been compromised by a simultaneous XBox release.

Huge difference in the concessions they had to make- DX2's problems were ALL due to the limitations of the XBox hardware and the console gamer mindset, while Stalker's cut features are due to them being unachievable in a realistic timeframe.

At the least, Stalker has a much bigger world than DX2. It isn't just a series of small rooms connected by tiny corridors due to the target system only having 64MB RAM.

OK, I lost track of where I was going with this other than "They may seem similar in a few ways, but it's not Deus Ex 2". So... 'FIN', I guess.
You lost track because there's no real point. Jay-F's talking about customization and gear like it's a roleplaying element, but then DX2's "roleplaying" was almost entirely dependent on items.

The "concessions" made for DX2's consolization are irrelevant, because I'm talking about the roleplaying aspects. If Jay wanted to talk about roleplaying elements in STALKER he should've focused on the NPC dialogues.
Nope I really dont trust Bethedsa...looking at their shitty game and character design just makes me wanna rip my own eyes out and dont make me talk over the gameplay
i actually trust beth more then the stalker devs on delivering what they will probably say they will - even if i wont like it

as for pr stuff - nowadays you should always ignore words such as next gen, unprecedented and open living world ....

hope i'm wrong

p.s. i think i'm almost trolling .. i'm sorry for that but stalker sounded v. good to me .. and then they took 5 years off
I don't see how you could, considering that they've been very forthcoming with what features have been cut from the game, while Codexers raise a stink over the features hinted at by Beth devs which never saw the light of day in Oblivion (and were never claimed to not be implemented).
Whatever...I deny believing that STALKER is going to be a bad game...Ive waited to long for it 8)
I'm not saying that you're wrong, it's just that you're right for all the wrong reasons.
Bradylama said:
STALKER used to be a simulationist FPS along the same lines of persistant world that Space Rangers and its sequel have done for space games.

The features removed were essentially a lot of the simulationist nitty gritty. I could've lived without NPCs accomplishing the main mission, but the other features removed like sleep, food, and diversified ammo were just unnecessary efforts at making the game more "streamlined."

It's still apparently a "real world" with the old naturally functioning ecosystem. At this point I'm just hoping that the homogenized ammo means that certain calibre rounds work for certain guns without constraints for magazines like in the Silent Storm games, but that's a longshot. If anything it'll be unified ammo for rifles, pistols and whatnot.

Actually, the Space Rangers type list is in, where you go through the ranks of Stalkers as you would Rangers, its a function list in your PDA. Actually it looks pretty close to the Space Rangers 2 list to me. You can see it pretty clearly in this video http://www.sendspace.com/file/w2yx6c

Eating is still in, just a little dumbed down. Now an icon will show on screen when you are hungry, then change color to red over time until you eat. Sleeping is out, not sure if npc's sleep, though they do sit down and do other things.

Drivable vehicles are out, because of the complications with anomalys. The code is still in and as stated by GSC any modder can enable it easily, actually theres already a GTA mod being worked on for it.

Diversified ammo is definitely in, each weapon has its own appropriate ammo, and usually a separate armor piercing round. I saw that for myself in the last beta.