S.T.A.L.K.E.R. goes...gold...for reals?

Diversified ammo is definitely in, each weapon has its own appropriate ammo, and usually a separate armor piercing round. I saw that for myself in the last beta.

After the streamlining, right? Because if that's true, it was a big selling point for me before. It's hard to explain why this aspect is so important to me, but there you go.

I also think that other Rangers in Space Rangers 2 could potentially defeat one of the three head-honchos on their own, it was just so difficult that it required a player's nuance to really get the job done. I could be wrong and it may have been impossible, but the impression I got was that all the bosses were just sitting there for the blowing up.

Edit: Also thanks for the vid. I'm very impressed. Went a long way in restoring my faith in the game. :) (map seems kinda small, though)
@Bradylama - after you reminding me about codexers and oblivion promises i'd have to agree ... beth has had its fill of broken promisses ... *me restoring some faith in STALKER*
wasnt gold supposed to be after the beta ?! ... saw this on file planet today :

That's right S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans, you heard right. Grab this trailer to see what Subscribers can Beta Test later this month
That's the second time within hours. Do not double post.
Strike one.
Bradylama said:
After the streamlining, right? Because if that's true, it was a big selling point for me before. It's hard to explain why this aspect is so important to me, but there you go.

The beta is open to talk about now so heres what there is.
9x18, 9x19, .45, 5.56x39, 5.56x45, 7.62x54, each with their own armor piercing variation. For shotguns its 12x70 shot, 12x76 slug and dart. Then the other weapons - grenade launchers, rockets, gauss.

Bradylama said:
I also think that other Rangers in Space Rangers 2 could potentially defeat one of the three head-honchos on their own, it was just so difficult that it required a player's nuance to really get the job done. I could be wrong and it may have been impossible, but the impression I got was that all the bosses were just sitting there for the blowing up.

Yeah apparently they took this out because of the same reason. The AI could just bypass all the quests and go straight for the end, as it would be very hard to catch up with them. Someone could have a mod solution to it later however.

Bradylama said:
Edit: Also thanks for the vid. I'm very impressed. Went a long way in restoring my faith in the game. :) (map seems kinda small, though)

Still, 30km there, so nothing to worry about.

No problem, there are a lot of great vids out there to get you more excited about it. Check www.stalker-world.net/eng/ though I think you may have to google cache it for now as its down.

Here are the rest of the vids from that series.
I haven't been able to keep up with this game as much as I'd like. Those videos are very reassuring to me.

"30,000 rubles?! Mein GOTT!"
Makenshi said:
Rainstorm said:
radnan said:
wait .. waht ?

Not sure what the question was...or if it was aimed at me....but in case you're wondering about me,I am a FPS'er first and foremost.(even if I still haven't found any FPS that is in the same league as FO/2 gamewise,it's a genre where I've found more games that appeal to me than any other genre...)

Suppose you liked Star Wars Republic Commando. I really enjoyed the game, that squad based thing... If anyone made a Fallout mod for that game, damn, would be awesome to play a Brotherhood squad ^^

NOTE: I'm NOT, absolutely NOT, saying that I'm up for playing 'Oblivion with Guns', if FO3 turns out to be it. FO3 is supposed to be an isometric, turn-based, P&P RPG, and that's what I expect it to be.

I'm still confused. :)
I don't expect FO3 to be anything other than that either,about the FPS and FO connection I wasn't very clear...

I meant that FO/2 are the best gaming experiences I've had and that I've not found a SP FPS that can live up to that experience...

I am not looking forward to FO3 if it becomes what it is,I wan't a continuation of the previous games,I'm hoping however that stalker will be a nice FPS experience.(and I'll judge it as such,whereas I'll never judge FO as anything other than an RPG...hope it made it a bit more clear)
zioburosky13 said:

after a long year waiting...

all we got is a CS in post-apo. setting!? :shock:

Ehrm CS is a Multiplayer game..how can you compare STALKER with a MP game?
hrm... this does look interesting.

ill have to look it up and see when its going to be available here in the US and pick up a copy.

it does look cool and possibly attention-holding game.