}/\/\A5T3RBlA5T3R{ said:
everybody in the community knows that the guys at sa still can't get their heads out of their asses - even if they tried.
They are a satirical site. Live with it.
the hatred that some know-it-alls push in the face of ra is beyond any reasonable form of discussion.
Who are *you* to come to *our* forum and tell *us*, seasoned veterans of gaming and the CRPG genre in particular, what form of discussion in regard to Restricted Area is reasonable? As most of us have been playing action games and CRPGs for well over a decade, we posses experience and insight that makes our judgement of Restricted Area as an incredibly shallow and poor game factual and credible. The fact that you petulantly challenge our criticism while offering no substantial arguments as to what makes Restricted Area a
good game (hint: you can't, because Restricted Area
isn't a good game) shows that you are not only uninformed and ignorant, but also ill-mannered and stupid.
let me put it straight: ra is a GOOD game - if what you want is a diabloesque shadowrun cyberpunk game. there won't be an official shadowrun game anytime in the future (legal reasons) - so let them play it.
Bullshit. Shadowrun was a good game. Diablo was a good game. Restricted Area, on the other hand, is a *bad* game. The fact that it draws inspiration from two good games doesn't make it good by definition. Even your feeble mind should be able to digest this simple principle. There are two significant obstacles which stand between Master Creating and developing quality games - namely, lack of design talent and lack of programming skill. Until these obstacles are overcome, they will be nothing more than another group of talentless dilettantes in the industry, on a par with their Israeli colleagues, Majorem.
@ all who think nma is not the place to discuss ra
ra has some kind of post-apoc relations. so it is just to discuss it here and to give them some news credit.
If you had any actual grasp of what constitutes a game setting beyond "OMG MUTANTZ LOL!!!11!", you would understand that a huge, impassable rift separates "post-apoc relations" and "post-apocalyptic theme". Though Restricted Area features mutants and dilapidated buildings, the whole "RA setting" and its post-apoc elements in particular are so poorly thought-out and even more poorly implemented in-game that it has about as much depth and substance as "Pacman setting" or "Pong setting". Certainly far beneath the level we as Fallout fans expect and appreciate in a game that claims to be post-apocalyptic.
people like you give me the creeps an make me puke.
Ironically, those are likely the words your parents uttered in the hospital when they first saw you.
btw: before any COMMUNITY VETERAN starts throwing mud at me: i am one myself and never understand why it is forbidden to love FO1+2 and any other game at the same time.
No, you aren't, and this ignorant statement proves it beyond doubt.
Your nickname is extremely moronic. Don't change it, it suits you just fine.
P.S.: nma is getting a bad name in the community already.
I don't know which "community" you are referring to, but it doesn't sound like a community I would care to be a member of or give a damn about in general.
(I took the liberty of translating the article directly from German, as this auto-translation is almost illegible.)
A particularly clueless journalist said:
These swindlers have taken dominance in the industry as well: the industry is bad - the new products are bullshit - everything since Planescape: Torment and Fallout is garbage. This stupid narcissist verbiage is at least as baseless as industry's assumptions regarding failure or success prospects of certain computer games. For the industry the success of Silent Storm must have been just as shocking as the way RPG Codex community removed all hardcore gamers who enjoyed KotOR. The common slogan of the Cunning Dark Elves: What may not be, cannot be!
This alone shows how uninformed the writer is. If anything, Troika's releases were received extremely well among the hardcore CRPG fans, and there are certain niche groups that greatly enjoy Geneforge, Gothic and a few other low-budget roleplaying games. Hell, majority of us appreciate at least some aspects of newer BioWare titles, though they are a bit too lightweight, a bit too mainstream and a bit too flawed to be placed on the pedestal alongside Fallout.
Should someone have the nerve to promote a Light-RPG in a HC-community, they would best prepare themselves for the flame-war of their lifetime. They are all "marketing whores" or "strawmen". A discussion about quality never happens - light RPGs aren't RPGs - that's it. A perfect example is the treatment of Restricted Area defenders in the NMA forum. Have a sample:
My god, this drivel is too much to read, somebody drop this guy a clue. Not only does he blatantly show that he has no idea what constitues a CRPG, he also presumes to bash NMA on account of an RA thread (*one* thread out of dozens) without bothering to read it.
First of all, there is no such thing as a "light-RPG". A game is either an RPG or isn't an RPG. There is *nothing* in between. For those of you who are puzzled by this, let me just state that character stats and equippable items don't constitute a roleplaying game and aren't even *essential* features in one. "Action-RPG" is therefore a buzzword coined by marketing experts to describe a game genre that, in reality, possesses none of the distinctive CRPG features.
Secondly, cheap marketing ploys aside, RA is disliked here not because it isn't a hardcore RPG (contrary to seemingly popular belief, many of us Fallout fans enjoy playing a good shooter or hack 'n slash every now and then), but because it fucking *sucks*. Is it so fucking difficult to comprehend that we "hardcore" CRPG fans aren't a narrow-minded bunch that hates every game that isn't Fallout, but a group of seasoned and refined gamers who enjoy a broad variety of game genres and have enough experience, taste and common sense to tell a quality game from a piece of shit?
Fuck, if this is the kind of "community" you were talking about, Masterblaster, I'm
glad I'm in no way associated with them.
Intolerance and greed are the evils that presently plague the community - chances for the CRPG genre were still so good 2 years ago. Success of KotOR, Morrowind and Gothic, on PC and consoles showed there *is* a mass-market.
Ah, more uneducated and uninformed blather. Gothic had little success outside Germany. KotOR and Morrowind are deeply flawed in terms of design and stripped of many distinct characteristics that a true CRPG must posses. The former was more of an adventure game with poorly made tactical combat, while the latter was an abysmally boring FPS. I really don't see how either of these examples indicates there is a mass-market for CRPGs.
An EA decision from the 1999 isn't enough to ensure a certain viewpoint (?). But industry and community ruined the chance themselves. [...] The Community almost breaks in tears as Bethseda Softworks, a competent developer, acquires the "Fallout" license, because they are not Black Isle anno 1997.
The reasons why Bethesda's acquisition of the Fallout license was received with much scepticism in the Fallout community are two-fold:
1. The license narrowly eluded Troika games, a company founded and run by people who designed the original Fallout. As most of us here are also Troika fans, it's really no wonder this caused slight bitterness and resentment, if only initially.
2. Bethesda have no experience developing good, hardcore CRPGs. More specifically, they have no experience developing CRPGs with isometric view and turn-based combat, both of which are essential features of a Fallout game.
3. Bethesda have on several occasions indicated they intended to develop Fallout 3 in style and technology of the Elder Scrolls series, which is considered unacceptable by majority of fans.
If this article wasn't a tendentious pamphlet written by an uninformed windbag, maybe these three facts I listed would have been mentioned in context of Fallout community and Fallout 3. But I guess writing misinformed drivel is much more convenient and thus much more popular among irresponsible and unprofessional wanna-be "journalists" like this German gentleman than doing research and supporting claims with factual evidence. Bravo, Herr Brennus, your uninspired tirade against Fallout community will surely garner you much popularity among clueless masses who think Baldur's Gate represents the height of the CRPG genre! Don't let trivial things like fact get in your way as you swoon the masses with your eloquence! Game press needs more talented and prolific writers like you!
The HC-community lives so much in the past that one almost begins to like the MMORPG-Community.
Comedy gold!
I forgot: most of the dumb*** at sa are the same dumb*** at nma. damn, stupidoland has 4 names now: nma/dac/rpgcodex/sa
Just out of curiousity, who was insane/careless enough to let *you* out of the Petri dish?