Ok, time for the Economist to weigh in.
The tyrant in chains
Dec 15th 2003
From The Economist Global Agenda
American troops have captured Saddam Hussein in a bloodless raid near his hometown of Tikrit. The event could be a turning point for Iraq. But the attacks on coalition forces and their Iraqi allies have not stopped
“LADIES and gentlemen, we got him.” Thus did Paul Bremer, America’s top administrator in Iraq, announce his most important capture at a press conference on Sunday December 14th, amid scenes of wild jubilation. The day before, American troops had found Saddam Hussein hiding in a farmhouse cellar in Ad Dawr, ten miles (16km) from his hometown of Tikrit. The former dictator gave up without a struggle; not a single shot was fired. Ricardo Sanchez, the commander of ground forces in Iraq, showed extraordinary video footage of a bearded, ragged Saddam being examined by a medic—proof to Iraqis that their hated former leader is indeed in American custody. America delayed announcing the news until Sunday, presumably to wait for confirmation of DNA tests. When in power, after all, Saddam had a number of doubles.
In Baghdad, Iraqis celebrated in the streets with honking horns and bursts of gunfire. At last, the tyrant will face trial for his crimes. Saddam’s regime has the blood of hundreds of thousands on its hands. Mass graves are littered throughout the country. One of his forces’ most brutal acts was the gassing of Kurdish villagers in 1988—the first time a modern leader had used chemical weapons against his own people. Saddam also sent hundreds of thousands of soldiers to their deaths in three disastrous wars, the most costly of which was the 1980-88 war with Iran. Neighbouring Kuwait, which Saddam invaded in 1990 only to be booted out by America and others, has joyfully welcomed his capture. Reaction from other Arab leaders has been muted: despite having little love for Saddam, many are dismayed by the shamefulness of his no-contest capture.
American and British leaders are jubilant. In a televised address, President George Bush called Saddam's capture “crucial to the rise of a free Iraq” and the end of a “dark and painful era”. Saddam is the ace of spades in America’s deck of most-wanted Iraqis. To have caught him alive and healthy, when he was expected to commit suicide if trapped, is an almost unimaginable coup. Many Iraqis, after all, had given up any hope of his being found at all. His peaceful capture is in stark contrast to the killing of his sons, Uday and Qusay, in a firefight lasting several hours. One of the war's great mysteries—what happened to Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction—now has its best chance of being solved.
Even as world leaders hailed Saddam’s capture, talk turned quickly to the future of Iraq. “Let his capture bring about unity, reconciliation and peace between all the people in Iraq,” said Britain's prime minister, Tony Blair. In Baghdad, Mr Bremer made a special point of appealing to militants who have been firing on American troops and Iraqi “collaborators” to end the violence.
Whether the militants will now fold, or become more determined than ever, is a crucial question. Saddam, holed away in a farmhouse, seems to have been in no position to plan the resistance (though it is not clear how long he had been there, or how many other hideouts he had). Loyalists to his Baath Party may fight on, in order to derail a democratic Iraq. So far, the violence shows no sign of abating: two car bombs killed at least nine Iraqis at police stations in and around Baghdad on Monday.
Even if the militants carry on, Saddam’s capture may help win over ordinary Iraqis who have been wondering whether to trust the Americans with their future. Seeing their former dictator, once a resident of luxurious palaces, bedraggled and powerless at the hands of the Americans should persuade them that he will never mount a comeback—though it is unlikely to quell their concerns over the occupation. The news will also give a well-timed political lift to Mr Bush at home, especially going into the 2004 presidential race. It may rattle Howard Dean, the leading Democratic challenger, who has been staunchly against the war.
And what of the future of Saddam himself? Iraqis, backed by America, are planning to hold tribunals for their Baathist thugs (see article). Saddam may be no exception. Mr Bush has yet to make clear his intentions, though he has said the Butcher of Baghdad “will face the justice he denied to millions”. Given America's distaste for international criminal courts under the UN's auspices, it may be only too happy to see him tried by his own people. Mr Blair, the president's closest ally, has already said that Iraqis will decide Saddam's fate. It will surely be kinder than those of the countless Iraqis he tortured or gassed.