Saints Row IV Intro

Ziggy Stardust

Space Alien
I don’t see why this isn’t acknowledged more on the internet, but Saints Row IV may have the best intro of all time. You stsrt of as some fuckin Tom Clancy American Hero hiding as some dudes in turbans are making clicking and spitting noises captioned (arabic). You sneak kill them and just go in, guns blazing, killing like 600 of them until you find their boss. He is about to fire a nuke into america, and for some reason is on a platform above lava. You shoot him, knocking him into the lava, but not before he begins the bomb sequence. So you jump onto the bomb, and everyone starts calling you to tell you what a hero you are, and Aerosmith starts playing. Then, you rescue the country, fall into the Oval Office, and become president. In ten minutes it manages to satarize so many aspects of American culture, I think it deserves some more praise
As someone who liked Saints Row as a gang series: That sounds disgusting and I hate it.
You're in a Fallout forum, you should know by now that "modern" gaming loves to ruin IPs by making them theme parks.
But Saints Row was a fun gang-land theme park. :(
Now it's lulzsorandom theme park.
Its not lolzsorandom. It’s a satire of American culture. From the whole American super spy hero idea to our perception of crazy muslims with AK-47s, there are so many things that are so expertly made fun of, I don’t see how the intro is anything short of genius.
But Saints Row was a fun gang-land theme park. :(
Now it's lulzsorandom theme park.
Yeah, funny that it has the same quality trajectory of the Fallout series, where the franchise plummets in quality in the third game and the fourth just more of the same except even worse. And the sattire in the third and fourth are about as subtle as a giant brick to the face, not to mention not exactly very funny because it's far too obvious and played out.

The second one is my favorite because it had the blend of wacky stuff and the serious stuff. It knew when to be over the top and when to be serious and i think this made it set apart from GTA in a lot of ways, which for the most part plays everything straight. Not to mention it had some of the best side activities in any of these open world games, another thing that drops in quality in the third and fourth game.
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Yeah, funny that it has the same quality trajectory of the Fallout series, where the franchise plummets in quality in the third game and the fourth just more of the same except even worse. And the sattire in the third and fourth are about as subtle as a giant brick to the face, not to mention not exactly very funny because it's far too obvious and played out.

The second one is my favorite because it had the blend of wacky stuff and the serious stuff. It knew when to be over the top and when to be serious and i think this made it set apart from GTA in a lot of ways, which for the most part plays everything straight. Not to mention it had some of the best side activities in any of these open world games, another thing that drops in quality in the third and fourth game.
Yeah the hunor isn’t subtle. Americans aren’t known for their subtlety. Its part of the satire.
Flippy's analogy for Saints Row is oddly fitting for the Fallout franchise.

Flippy's analogy for Saints Row is oddly fitting for the Fallout franchise.


Yeah it is, because like Fallout, the OG’s have become so blined by their growing distaste for the series’s evolution, that they lack the basic, necessary ability to acknowldge its positive aspects.
Yeah it is, because like Fallout, the OG’s have become so blined by their growing distaste for the series’s evolution, that they lack the basic, necessary ability to acknowldge its positive aspects.
Not really, just the cons outweigh the pros. For every aspect a Bethesda Fallout could get right there's about 5 crappy elements next to it.
Not really, just the cons outweigh the pros. For every aspect a Bethesda Fallout could get right there's about 5 crappy elements next to it.
Yes but constructive criticism involves acknowledging the pros. None of these comments are on the intro, let’s talk about that.
Yeah, funny that it has the same quality trajectory of the Fallout series, where the franchise plummets in quality in the third game and the fourth just more of the same except even worse. And the sattire in the third and fourth are about as subtle as a giant brick to the face, not to mention not exactly very funny because it's far too obvious and played out.

The second one is my favorite because it had the blend of wacky stuff and the serious stuff. It knew when to be over the top and when to be serious and i think this made it set apart from GTA in a lot of ways, which for the most part plays everything straight. Not to mention it had some of the best side activities in any of these open world games, another thing that drops in quality in the third and fourth game.
You see, the Saints Row series started off as another GTA clone with their first game back in 2006. As the series progressed, it achieved an identity of their own as an energized, hilariously absurd yet entertaining, action-packed series that would try something new than to keep on being a forgettable GTA clone. At least give the series some credit for finding new ways to be something different rather than doing the same thing, but with some new graphics, larger map, and new mechanics.
(To be fair, I found Saints Row 2 as the best of the series, because that was my father's gift to me before he moved on.) :rip:
To each his own, and I can understand anyone who liked the first two having problems with 3 and 4. But the big difference between those and Beth's Fallout (imo) is that the writers at Volition were actually funny instead of just stupid.
Sianst Row 4 goes downhill completely after the earth is blown up. Up to the point where Playa is the President is a fun set up to take the wackiness gang stuff to the next level but then it just discards all of it and puts you inside a lame version of Steelport and due to the Superpowers mechanics, there isn't even a point to the sandbox. What's the point of unlocking cars, Vtols, gang members and gun stores if you can run up buildings and shoot energy balls? Really baffling game design.
Sianst Row 4 goes downhill completely after the earth is blown up. Up to the point where Playa is the President is a fun set up to take the wackiness gang stuff to the next level but then it just discards all of it and puts you inside a lame version of Steelport and due to the Superpowers mechanics, there isn't even a point to the sandbox.

I thought they did a decent job on the superpowers themselves, and everything else was really just a setup to make a game based on those. They definitely could've done a better job of figuring out how to challenge a super-powered player, though. You can kind of feel that it started out as a DLC concept...

In retrospect, I agree that from a story / escalation perspective, it would've been cool to have a whole game of the boss as president. Then they could've saved the aliens for Saints Row 5.
Sianst Row 4 goes downhill completely after the earth is blown up. Up to the point where Playa is the President is a fun set up to take the wackiness gang stuff to the next level but then it just discards all of it and puts you inside a lame version of Steelport and due to the Superpowers mechanics, there isn't even a point to the sandbox. What's the point of unlocking cars, Vtols, gang members and gun stores if you can run up buildings and shoot energy balls? Really baffling game design.
The Boss being the President was certainly a wasted opportunity. I was hoping during the pre-release stuff that you'd get to run around Washington D.C. in the real world whereas Steelport was the world you'd explore in the simulation. But alas, Steelport was all we got. Which sucks because Steelport isn't even that good. Stilwater from SR1 is so much different from Stilwater in SR2 so reusing the map for that game made sense. But SRIV's Steelport is almost exactly the same as SR3's Steelport so where's the fun?
Jesus guys, I liked Saints Row 2 as well but you can actually like silly things AS WELL AS serious things.
Jesus guys, I liked Saints Row 2 as well but you can actually like silly things AS WELL AS serious things.
Sure. but this is watching a thing being morphed into another. it is like the Tim Burton Batman movies started with dark, got darker with little more twisted atmosphere and ended up with fucking Bat Nipples. Saint's Row went from a literal San Andres Clone, then 2 took it over the top, which is fine. 3 went with with Zany which soured people, 4 went with Wacky.

You are on a fallout forum. you know how people feel about people putting wacky in their stuff.