Lexx said:
But it's very easy math. Adjusting / calculating stuff that way has been proven to me to be much more effective than "guessing" the offsets. I simply check the distance between pixel A and B and add / remove the difference in the image offset. :>
No, no, no, no, Herr Lexx. We're still talking about some PAST-GEN techniques. Let's talk about NEXT-GEN stuff.
Now, how such tool should work. Let's see...
We have six .gifs/.pngs/.bmps/whatever in our input folder. We're opening our tool. Right. Now let's go into the options to specify size of "map" we want to work with. For small pieces we can use 640x480, for example. Ok, now let's load our bitmaps into the program. "File --> Open images". Ok, let's select all bitmaps we have in our input folder. Ok, bitmaps are loaded into our "map" (640x480) and randomly placed there. Our working window should look like Frame Animator one (hexes + blocking hexes + bitmaps). We can work with pieces in two modes:
Move. This feature is working in similar way as moving pieces around the map in Mapper. Standard stuff.
Adjust. When this mode is ON small-ish window is opening, where you can enter X and Y values. You can also use left mouse button to change position to blocking hex. Standard stuff in Frame Animator.
Now, we adjusted our pieces and moved them close to each other (final look). How the fuck we can know now how to select a correct piece? Simple, when you move the mouse over the bitmap piece will be highlighted! Awesome, isn't it?
Ok, we finalized all adjustments, how we can save it now? Simple, right click on the piece and select "save as FRM". But wait... We'll need to repeat the same procedure for each piece! Oh noez!

Clicking SUCKS!

No, no, no! Our NEXT-GEN tool will save everything with one click! But how?! Simple, go to "File --> Save All as FRM". But still something isn't right... But what? I know! After selecting "Save All as FRM" program will send a note to us: "Please enter no more than six characters for file name". Why six? Because last two are reserved for file number (01, 02, 03, etc.). Cool! But I WANT to have files in specific order, not some random shit!!! Then name your bitmaps XXXXXX01, XXXXXX02, XXXXXX03, etc. Program will check the last two characters and save in the order you specified, just with one click! AWESOME!!!
But what if I want to adjust my custom pieces to the existing FRMs? Simple - program is able to load FRMs!
But pixels are fucking small to work with it!!!! No problem, our NEXT-GEN software got zoom feature! Awesome, isn't it?
Of course, our NEXT-GEN tool should have real-time feedback. For example we made one piece two pixels too wide. We're changing, overwriting and program is automatically updating bitmap in our working window! Incredible, isn't it!!!
Support for animated objects (more than one frame) isn't needed, you can do it in PAST-GEN programs. 99% of scenery/walls/tiles isn't animated.