Scenery stuff and such...

I agree that it would be cool to have a photoshop frm importer and exporter. :P
Lexx said:
I agree that it would be cool to have a photoshop frm importer and exporter. :P
Actually no. PS can be an external tool. All we need is a heavily pimped Frame Animator.

bbmultipass said:
The only thing left is to find such a qualified person with enough free time:)+
Or give me aeon of life to learn programming stuff! :lol:
Continuum said:
All we need is a heavily pimped Frame Animator.
bbmultipass said:
The only thing left is to find such a qualified person with enough free time:)+
Or give me aeon of life to learn programming stuff! :lol:
I agree the Frame Animator needs a makeover…the normal scenery artwork isn’t a big issue (but still can be improved), but the critters are a pain. 1 new dude might be 10,000 frames and that is a lot of stress on the mind and body… (I love the way some noobs ask why someone doesn’t just make a new critters with a pink vault suit and yellow boots)…500 hours later and you have your piece of pink shit.
It needs a proper zoom feature, one like Photoshop that doesn’t blur the pixels when you zoom in. Most animated frames keep two the edges the same (e.g. – bottom and left, or top right…you get the picture) now imagine you can grab all of the frames in the side panel and use an alignment button that aligns the frame according to the direction you need. The move tool needs a sticky movement feature so it doesn’t slide around when you attempt to shift the frames, as well as moveable guide lines.

For the scenery - a hidden Vault critter that is aligned in the 0x 0y position that can be turned off and on, as well as spins on his axis. You use him in deciding the best frame offset numbers for scenery, and walls.


Am I dreaming here…(S.O.S - some master that will fix this :hide: – where are the tool makers! If they build the shit we need, as we need it, then we can build a lot of new stuff). :wall:
My wish for Frameanimator is that it would be able to open 2 FRM's at once, so it's possible to see how 2 consecutive animations 'link' together.
I am thinking of going through all of the critters and adjusting their positions so they won’t shift between different animations. Some are worse than others (such as the newer Fallout 2 critters – Vic - Myron), it will certain even out the animation cycles in the game. But this is a long term mission. Of course if the Frame Animator could load two separate animations then it would be a breeze. Is the creator still around.
The Lou critter is important. :> If he is using flamer, he jumps like 10 hexes. Saw it pretty much while playing the RP 2.0 with Marcus in my team.
.Pixote. said:
I am thinking of going through all of the critters and adjusting their positions so they won’t shift between different animations. Some are worse than others (such as the newer Fallout 2 critters – Vic - Myron), it will certain even out the animation cycles in the game. But this is a long term mission. Of course if the Frame Animator could load two separate animations then it would be a breeze. Is the creator still around.

Yes, alot of the original offsets are just plain wrong. It seems even BIS had problems with their own shitty, past-gen engine!
It would be a noble modder indeed that went through the critters correcting Vanilla offset errors. It would have been a good thing to do before embarking on any critter editing. :crazy:
Just another thing that gets added to the ever increasing list of stuff to do… :shock:

Scenery stuff – pool of goo. :wink:


Your rocks Lexx…ready for the frame animator…I hope they are Ok. Message me if they need adjusting.

Which program do you use to edit the art Pixote?

I also layed my hand on some things, even rendered it, took a texture and it looked pretty good. But I don't know how to make it "dirty looking", nor I know how to make the colours fit to the fallout theme. :/
Photoshop my friend…I occasionally make something in 3D with Lightwave, but that pool of goo is just an Arcanum artwork tweaked in PS. :wink:
Hm, I also use Photoshop, use brushes on my renders to make it a bit "rusty" etc but I just don't get the color set. Don't get me wrong, I'm just a noob with this, I've made 3 chairs, a bed, some signs and a lamp. :D So it's not really hard. But everytime I load it to the Mapper it just looks like shit and not fallouty...
It's looking like some multi dimensional portal to other worlds left by mysterious ancestors. Jump into the goo and you'll travel in time! :ugly:
Holy shit, that lizard is giving out free stuff from BGE! The world will collaps now. :D

.Pixote. said:
Your rocks Lexx…ready for the frame animator…I hope they are Ok. Message me if they need adjusting.

Thanks! They are great. :)
Jesterka said:
Pixote, this is definitely a GREAT piece of wasteland crap and I'd definitely know how to use it.
To be honest I’m not going to post much stuff here (it’s not because I don’t like the people), it’s because this stuff will most likely be use in Mutant Rising and it’s not fair to pass it around, after MR is released people can use it as desired. Otherwise every mod will have the same assets, and that would look strange…as for the RP stuff…it’s been released so go for it. I am curious to see if anyone will want to use the animated scenery I made.

That pool of FEV needs to be animated - that would make if more effective. Now imagine a couple of large mutants standing beside it and dipping “normals”, and expanding the master’s ever increasing army. The artists in troika were certain talented, and knowing that they also built Fallout makes stealing their stuff seem OK with me. :look: